Mother traitors among famous people: Top 6 personalities


Motherland's traitors are often famous and public people, which complicates their lives.

Taking not the most popular solutions, people from our list ordered themselves to condemn and criticism from countrymen.

This article contains traitors of the Motherland, which despite their publicity were able to fall into greater disfavor of compatriots.

Arnon Milchen

A large Hollywood producer, a billionaire who has a large Israelic intelligence label.

In the 60-80, Milchen worked for the LEKEM intelligence organization (Israel) and helped in creating an atomic bomb. It did not prevent him from 1984 to engage in the production of large American films ("Once in America", "Beauty" and others).

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The man himself confirmed the information that was previously only rumors. He did it in 2013 in one of his interviews. The man also noted that it was not easy to work in Hollywood if a person has a reputation of a weapon merchant. And according to the statements of the businessman himself, this reputation is fully justified.

The category of "Motherland" for this person is not entirely true, because it serves to Israel for a long time and devoted. But those who love him beyond the ocean of fans and colleagues, he very disappointed.

Benedict Arnold

Born in a disadvantaged family, the American was distinguished by a special military azart. He skilled inventively planning attacks of various complexity.

Fought on the side of the Americans during the battle for the independence of the United States. However, later moved to the side of Great Britain.

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Major General decided to betrayal after the death of the spouse, bankruptcy and the goats, which built him political opponents. He wanted to transfer the British American Fortress West Point for the title of General and 20 thousand pounds.

However, the plan failed and the man was forced to flee. Motherland's traitors were not in width and in the UK, and therefore Arnold was not needed and died in full poverty.

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Vidkun Kvisling

Norwegian politician who was a big fan of Adolf Hitler. Before the capture of the country, a man personally met with the Germans to convey to them all the necessary information.

For their betrayal, Kvisling received the place of the Prime Minister in the Occupied Norway Fascists.

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But he was weak the figure, and therefore it was not possible to achieve at least some serious results in his work.

In 1945, after the loss of Germany in the war, the politician was arrested. He was accused of state treason, the embezzlement of money and murder of the Jews. The traitor was shot at the walls of the fortress Akhershus (Oslo).

Greta Garboy

Swedish-American actress, who played on the screen Mat Hari - a famous spy of the seasons of the First World War. As it turned out, the spy celebrity was not only in the movie ...

The neutrality in World War II Sweden was an ideal place to exist spies. According to famous data, one of the Britain's intelligence services received information about Nazi employees who managed in Stockholm from Garbo.

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According to some assumptions, it was the war that he was strongly influenced by an actress, which never returned to his creative activity.

Few trafficking of the Motherland indulged their own country from the same good objectives as the actress.

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Jane Fonda

War in Vietnam is a controversial and heavy historical period for the US. This topic hooked and the American actress, who decided to publicly visit Northern Vietnam.

Woman made a photo, communicated with locals and american prisoners. Returning to his homeland, she extremely sharply spoke on the actions of his native country in a military conflict.

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Such behavior caused a sea of ​​condemnation, accusations and disgusting condemns from the Americans. The CIA even tried to blame the foundation in espionage and storing forbidden substances, but all to no avail.

For his visit, the actress has to apologize until now, and from the 80s, the celebrity and at all for 25 years fell out of the film industry.

Otto Kuusinen

The situation where the traitors of the Motherland are heroes for residents of other countries. The man was born in Finland and since 1904 consisted in the Social Democratic Party. Over the years, he began to head it.

However, in time it became clear that the communists in the country did not shine anything good. Then Kuusinen escaped in the USSR, where he worked in the Comintern for a long time.

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In 1939, the Union attacked Finland and it was the defector that was decided to appoint the head of the created puppet government. When it became clear that the whole country would not be captured - the policy was decided to return to the USSR. He lived, occupying large state posts, until the death.

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What other famous traitors are known to you? Share interesting facts in the comments!

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