Svetlana Stepankovskaya after beating: "I went to delight for a few days"


For more than two weeks, the name Svetlana Stepanovskaya does not come off from the first stripes of secular tabloids, the actress and singer became a victim of a tough attack in a nightclub, when the stranger pounced on a girl with fists. As it turned out later, Stepanovskaya attacked Diana Aliyev, the beloved of the popular Raper Hammali. We met with the victim and learned the latest details:

Light, tell me, please, how is it going to deal with your beatings? Are there new details?

Svetlana: Neither the club nor the attacked nor the guys from the group "Hamali & Navai" - no one brought her apologies to me. I may have already like to forget this terrible story, but I'm simply amazed by irresponsibility and impunity that all these people feel ... Moreover, I have a feeling that someone prevents the investigation: first the girl who beat me, disappeared for several days; Frames from surveillance cameras - a separate story! So far, we cannot achieve video files. Probably, to attract this inadequate person to the criminal will not work. I try to publish this situation in every way! I have a lot of meetings with journalists and public figures so that the next time the other was no efface!

Svetlana Stepankovskaya after beating:

In general, how much did you suffer in this situation? Maybe all attempts to punish the participant of the fight is not worth it?

Svetlana: Well, firstly, I went to delight for a few days because of the concussion of the brain, bruises and pain throughout the body! I spent thousands of 200 for surveys, analyzes and doctors. I have broken one advertising contract, two commercial posts in instagram, two film projects and canceled samples in the movies!

Svetlana Stepankovskaya after beating:

Here, too, the damage is tangible. And also - the rehabilitation of the face: clinics, cosmetologists ... - Cheap pleasure! Fair?! - At first there was a strong insult and misunderstanding. And then I got distracted from bad thoughts and depression, doing the whole situation. Because inaction and humility is the worst thing for me.

What are you, by the way, are you planning to do next? That will be a month or two?

Svetlana: I will rapidly recover to continue my acting path: there is an idea of ​​a cool photo project! And I'm looking for an Internet space! It is possible that I will soon run and there is my format. If we talk about music, then I am looking for a new sound, image and material ... So far there are no songs with which I would definitely go on the stage as a performer.

Svetlana Stepankovskaya after beating:

And personal life? What with her?

Svetlana: There is no time for it. I had no relationship for a long time. Play your time at all at all! I try to fill all your free time with sports, creativity and work ...

What kind of man do you need? Is there an ideal? Maybe someone from the actors will come to the role of the groom Svetlana Stepanovskaya?

Svetlana: There is no ideal man for me. There are certain qualities that a partner must have, so that I drew attention to: a sharp mind, intelligence, sense of humor, reliable, strong character. Wealth is an important component. A man cannot earn less than me. The appearance was never interested in me, because if more than the appropriate type to draw in my head, it's not at all interesting.

From the actors I can highlight Brad Pitt. Moreover, now it is the most spectacular: adult, with wrinkles, with experience in look. When he was young, he was too beautiful. Jared Leto also watched with me well. And from our actors to me too much, who likes. I will not voice. Still, I have a big career in the movies, with many, I hope to meet in the frame.

Tell your past. You have been in the show business for a long time, but somehow no one knows the details and details of your life. Have you been a model?

Svetlana: Yes! I chase in Europe and Asia. Because of the moves it was very hard! In 15-16 years to dangle the world very hard. Health problems began, money. For example, once in Milan, I stayed almost without funds, because I was very much recovered and castings did not pass. I had to live on 50 euros per month: I bought cigarettes, the map on the subway, paid a mobile communication, and then went and collected in the city of coin.

And what was interesting in your work with Igor Matvienko?

Svetlana: once on tour in some city .... It seems to be in Turkey ... yes! It was a Turkish hotel. In general, we stand. Suddenly, I have enough rave resting per legs and begins to carry out somewhere. The phonogram goes, and a drunk knight carries me to an uncharted eastern distance. Spectators are delighted, applauded. I'm shocked! What to do? In general, demonstrating acne, this Casanova quickly exhaled and let me go.

Svetlana Stepankovskaya after beating:

Money of big work in the pop group did not bring me, but this is a tremendous experience. I am grateful to Girls and Igor Matvienko for everything.

What are you ready for the sake of the star actor career? Bedding scenes, the role of lesbian, opposition cinema?

Svetlana: I am ready on a lot. Here is a victim of personal life, health. I can not plan anything at all! Night shifts, filming in winter outdoors, constant nerves, inclippers ... I am ready to play a characteristic heroine. The role should be justified! If an interesting scenario about the crippled female fate, then the heroine can be a lesbian, and a prostitute, and an immoral killer.

But could Kristina Asmus in "Text"?

Svetlana: Christina - Well done! She did everything cool. That many wanted to be in the place of Petrova. Asmus adequately asked all heit and criticism in his address. But immediately got off from the "Interns" stuck to her. I myself was filmed several times in bedside scenes. Lyed with a partner almost naked. But I try to avoid horizontally sexual frames with my participation ... If this is a worthy director, a cool scenario, if sex in the picture is justified, then why not?

Svetlana Stepankovskaya after beating:

Natasha Medvedeva recently complained that she was removed from the project for the refusal to undress. What do you think about this?

Svetlana: I know enough examples when the actresses have lost their work because of the like ... But often the directors and producers agree to the options with dubls. But here, too, there may be a confusion: a replacement girl may not have such an elastic and slender body, like the original. Then the viewer will take seen for a specific actress. For example, I can still shine with forms yet, but where it is appropriate. Here, let's say, like Paulina in the film "Saransch". There, almost all the picture consists of horizontal scenes, but it did not go and not Merzko.

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