Homemade face mask from the first signs of aging: Top 3 Recipe for useful

Homemade face mask from the first signs of aging: Top 3 Recipe for useful 19081_1

Wrinkles are mimic lines on the skin, which appear as a result of aging. They may also occur if the lady does not care about their skin properly. To prevent their appearance or reduce existing wrinkles, you need to increase collagen formation. And this can be done with the help of food used, as well as various face masks. Three recipes of affordable and simple cosmetics will share Joinfo.com.

Recipes of homemade masks from wrinkles

Homemade face masks will help not only moisturize the skin, but also help in the fight against the first signs of aging. Make them quite simply from those products that can be found in any kitchen.

Homemade face mask from the first signs of aging: Top 3 Recipe for useful 19081_2
Mask with protein

Proteins are used to mitigate the skin, reduce wrinkles and restore damaged skin. They have an exfoliating effect and soothe inflammation. This mask is suitable for forehead, corners of the eyes and other sections of a person where there are thin wrinkles.

Homemade face mask from the first signs of aging: Top 3 Recipe for useful 19081_3

For her preparation requires one egg whitelle and one tablespoon of fresh honey. Just mix the two ingredients and evenly apply on the face. Leave the mask for 20 minutes and smear warm water. For the maximum effect, apply the skin to the skin should twice in the week.

Mask with milk and oatmeal

The combination of fresh milk and oatmeal is an excellent way to keep the skin with a moistened, smooth and shining. Regardless of the skin type, this mask is ideal for deep purification, as well as for moistening and stimulating collagen generation.

Homemade face mask from the first signs of aging: Top 3 Recipe for useful 19081_4

Just boil 100 milliliters of fresh milk, add two tablespoons of oatmeal and allow the mixture to cool. Then you breathe cold water, apply a mask on the neck, chin and the rest of the face. Mass the skin with circular movements. Leave the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. For better effect, repeat the procedure three times a week.

Mask with banana and avocado

Bananas are very useful for skin due to the content of vitamins C and B6 in them, which support the elasticity of the skin. They also act as antioxidants, struggling with free radicals, moisturizing the skin and restoring damage from the sun.

Avocado is rich in fatty acids Omega-3. It contains vitamins A, C and E. In the cosmetic industry, it is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and defects. Fruit also reduces skin dryness and retains its radiance.

Homemade face mask from the first signs of aging: Top 3 Recipe for useful 19081_5

Just disarm fork and mix a small avocado and one banana. Well, smear, apply a mask on your face and neck for 30 minutes. After rinse with warm water. Make a mask two or three times a week to prevent or reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Do not forget that homemade cosmetics can cause allergies. Therefore, it should be consulted with a dermatologist before applying it.

Help in the fight against wrinkles can simple advice of cosmetologists. What can not do to get beautiful and young skin?

Photo: pexels.

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