With the cultivation of which seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made seedlings


    Good afternoon, my reader. Grow seedlings from seed is not as simple as it seems. Very often all efforts and time spent on germination do not pay off and waste. Causes can be concluded both in poor-quality sowing materials and in errors made by caring. But there are also capricious plants that die or do not germinate even when using excellent seeds and proper care.

    With the cultivation of which seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made seedlings 18905_1
    With the cultivation of what seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made nonsense seedlings

    Eggplants (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Small seeds of this plant must be taken tweezers or toothpick, which makes the whole process quite time consuming. It is important not to plunge the seeds into the soil and do not pass them, as they just do not go.

    With the cultivation of which seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made seedlings 18905_2
    With the cultivation of what seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made nonsense seedlings

    Petunia (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Petunia seedlings are subject to a disease of the black leg at the stage of seedlings. Save the sick sprouts will not succeed. The receipt of seedlings begins due to excessively moistened soil, so watering seedlings are carried out with great care and regularly follow the humidity of the soil.

    Healthy lifestyle and vegetable diet provide in the mandatory diet of root celery. But it is very difficult to grow it on seedlings.

    With the cultivation of which seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made seedlings 18905_3
    With the cultivation of what seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made nonsense seedlings

    Celery (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Celery seeds features pretty small size and slow germination. The proceeding sprouts require careful and constant care, which includes a special temperature regime, regular correct watering and sufficient lighting.

    Celery seed landing at a high distance from each other is a long and painstaking work that does not always bring their fruits, as many seeds may not climb.

    Grow strawberries on the windowsill of the seed is very difficult. Seeds shoot a very long time and germinate well. Requires significant temporary, financial and moral costs of the owner.

    With the cultivation of which seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made seedlings 18905_4
    With the cultivation of what seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made nonsense seedlings

    Strawberry (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    For the extension of garden strawberries, it will take a special type of soil, special transparent containers. Given the fact that the strawberry reacts very negatively to the dive, it is necessary for a large number of containers and a wide, well-lit window sill.

    Eggplants, tomatoes, peppers - these cultures are easier to acquire in the form of seedlings, since their cultivation causes certain difficulties. This is especially true for newcomers who are difficult to care for a large number of germinating plants.

    With the cultivation of which seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made seedlings 18905_5
    With the cultivation of what seedlings are better not to mess and just buy ready-made nonsense seedlings

    Eggplant seedlings (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Parablee cultures are recommended to grown on well-lit windows, as they need a large amount of scattered sunlight. Otherwise, sprouts will grow by chili and fragile and will not be able to transfer adaptation to new conditions during transplantation.

    Also seedlings of eggplants, peppers and tomatoes are very sensitive to a sharp change of temperatures. The rapid sprouts die in the open ground when the frost returns. Purchased seedlings have already been hardened and easier tolerate cold.

    An important condition for buying seedlings is its acquisition from proven manufacturers. This will guarantee that cultures were grown from high-quality seed in the disinflected soil.

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