The group "Pask" announced the decay due to the Abyuza. Here are 5 facts about it.


The popular Music Group "Pask" reported the temporary cessation of its activities. Asia was accusations of Abyuza from Anna Zosemova, a musician and a former girl of the vocalist group of Petare Martic. He refuted the statements of the girl, but precisely because of violence in 2020 the team was removed from the speech at the Pain Festival.

We tell you what is the group, and what is the essence of Zosidov's charges to Martic.

The group

What kind of group "Pask"?

"Pask" is a Moscow rock band, founded by Serb Petar Martych, along with his friend Cyril Gorodigan. They worked with him over other projects for some time before the formation of the group. The "Pask" 4 studio albums and 1 mini-album. In 2016, they were nominated for the Jagermeister Indie Awards Award as the Rock Artist of the Year, but they gave way to the Glintshake group.

What is the essence of Zosidov's charges to Martich?

The girl accused the musician in a long verbal and physical abuse. Starting from their dating in 2017, according to Anna, Martich regularly brought it to tears, changed, beat and manipulated her. When the girl took the final decision to part with the artist, it realized that from the man who only met Petary was left nothing.

In Zosidovoy, even the attacks of agoraphobia even happened, that is, the fear of open spaces, because of the mockery of the musician, and she calmly cannot be in some places. The girl was afraid that they would have children and dispay him would definitely not succeed, although there were difficulties with a common dog that remained with Anna.

The group

Anna Zosimova. Photo: Semen Zemskov

In the group, they knew about the abusiveness of Martic to Zosidovoy

Participants in the group were aware of all that is happening, but, apparently, not to the end. Such cases were not the first time. For example, in 2017, at the Martyr Martych's Music festival, Sophia Gota, the former wife of the Guitarist "Pask".

Petar himself, despite his behavior in relationship, wanted to speak at the festival "not to blame", which is entirely devoted to the fight against domestic violence.

Why did the "Pask" suspended their activities?

Guitarist Kirill Gorish and Drummer Grisha Drache published in their instagram accounts reports that they cannot continue to work with Martarich, when there is no consent between them. Gaining removed the responsibilities of the group of label group, and Katya Pirogova left the post of manager "Pask".

How did Martich responded?

Petar Martich published a big post in his instagram, where he said that the majority of Zosimovoy statements perversion of their relationship, exposing it in the worst light when he himself was often subjected to an abuse from the girl. The musician disassembled in detail the majority of cases told by Anna, giving their own point of view.

The group

Petar Martich and Anna Zosimov. Photo: BURO247.RU.

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