Bad news for Huawei: New US President is not going to weaken sanctions


It seems that the hopes of Chinese companies, especially Huawei, to improve relations with the United States and is not destined to come true. Joe Biden's recent presidential post decided to continue the case of his predecessor Donald Trump (Donald Trump) and plans not only to preserve the existing sanctions, but also introduce new restrictions. This is reported by the authoritative publication Reuters with reference to its own reliable sources.

Bad news for Huawei: New US President is not going to weaken sanctions 1848_1
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According to sources, the US government under the leadership of Bayden is considering the possibility of introducing new restrictions on exporting American technologies to China. In other words, the States will introduce new sanctions that prohibit American companies to cooperate with partners from the Middle Kingdom, which may be related to the Chinese government and military. In addition, the new Administration of the White House is not going to abandon the sanctions introduced by trampa and plans to conduct a number of negotiations with allies on this issue. Moreover, Biden and his subordinates will take care that American technologies that can enhance the Military potential of China did not fall into the hands of Chinese companies.

Yes, making any assumptions about the possible actions of the new US government too early. But there is no doubt that the United States and China are far from compromise and completing trade war. This means that such companies like Huawei who have suffered more than others from the country's conflict should not count on the weakening of sanctions, at least in the near future for sure.

Recall, the telecommunications company Huawei became the hostage of the conflict between the United States and China. The American authorities accuse her in relations with the Chinese military, and therefore they made a company to the so-called "black list" and systematically began to overlap her oxygen, first forbidding the sale of mobile devices and telecommunications equipment Huawei in the United States, and then introducing a ban on cooperation with any companies that use American technologies in their activities. As a result, Huawei turned out to be cut from most of its suppliers and partners, including Samsung, Google, Qualcomm and TSMC, and even was forced to sell his successful Honor subbrend to bring it out of the strike.

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