Evening in Minsk: detentions, machine signals and special equipment

Evening in Minsk: detentions, machine signals and special equipment 18433_1
Evening in Minsk: detentions, machine signals and special equipment 18433_2
Evening in Minsk: detentions, machine signals and special equipment 18433_3

Evening Minsk was noticeably filled with special equipment: readers from different areas of the capital are shared photos and videos with characteristic minibuses and auto plates. In the area of ​​October Square during an interview with Nina, the Baiga Silovik suddenly detained a girl with a camera. The list of detainees, which lead volunteers is gradually replenished. All that happens in Minsk and the country in the evening of March 25, we collect here.

Ministry of Internal Affairs: more than 200 people are detained throughout the country

Olga Somodanova's official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs commented on today's events. According to the department, more than 200 people were detained in the country for violation of the legislation on mass events.

Employees of the traffic police revealed 43 cars whose drivers violated the rules for using sound signals. In all the facts started an administrative process.

"Despite repeated warnings from the police about the inadmissibility of unlawful actions, individual citizens behaved defiantly, provoking employees to return actions," says Olga Suitodanov's telegram.

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the Frunzensky district of Minsk, the military personnel of the internal troops detained a group of people, "in which gas can be seized, electric strokes, axes and sharpening, as well as a task plan for protest symbolism."

Belarusians in different countries came out in honor of the Will Day

Colorful photos sent us from Ukraine, Poland, Brazil and from Cyprus Island. And the evening of Minsk residents ended with festive salutes at different points of the city.

Detention continues in the center

In the telegram channel "Lists of detainees" at 21:00 - 90 names of the detainees today. Bazh reports that in Minsk, with the coverage of the shares, the journalist of the Russian "merchant" Kirill Krivosheev and the photos of the news of Paul Volkov were detained. They are located in the Oktyabrsky RUVD. At 22:00, 136 detainees were marked in volunteers.

Anton Motosely published in his telegram-channel photo of a guy who stands on the side near the whistle, opposite it - security forces. Everything happens in the park Marat Kazewoman.

Later, "Radio Svaboda" published a video where the guy in a red jacket runs away from the police.

In the Ministry of Emergency Situations told Onliner that the rescue assistance was not required. Tut.BY with a link to eyewitnesses reports that the guy was removed from the side - it is in the police car.

On the October Square Soloviki stopped the guy, got the flag from his backpack and takes to the referee, eyewitnesses report.

According to volunteers of the telegram channel "Lists of detainees" at 20:15, today a minimum of 51 people are detained.

Pushkinskaya: Special equipment and detention

In the area of ​​Pushkinskaya metro station, many special equipment and security forces from internal troops in full ammunition. Readers report dot detentions.

Memorial Alexander Taraykovsky had white and red flowers today.

Detention on October Square and in the Academy of Sciences

Readers send a video and inform about point arrests on the October Square, the auto sho arrived there.

Also two people detained near the Academy of Sciences. According to eyewitnesses, they simply photographed the auto shoes.

According to the dedicated accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Viasna", at 18:45 PM in Belarus, at least 45 people were detained.

In several districts of Minsk - special equipment and ambulance

So night Thursday looks at some streets of the capital. Auto women, buses and beads are standing along the roadway. For example, on an academic street, a picture of this.

Independence Avenue is blocked in several places

Readers report that the prospectus of independence at the intersection from Kozlov is blocked toward the center. Also, the movement is limited from Surganov Street and Belgoscirka. Drivers in the sections of the prospectus, which are not yet blocked, serve sound signals.

On October Square, traffic police officers and a motorcycle with white-red and white ribbons

In October Square, traffic police were standing near a motorcycle. Next to them there was a couple of dozen people. Nina Baginskaya reached the Red Church and remained at his steps. Next to it - an employee of Gregory Azarenok. In the meantime, the column of carpersons drove the column of carpersons towards the palace of the republic. According to eyewitnesses, Biker was released, people diverged from the square. Almost immediately after that, several characteristic minibuses arrived at the Palace of the Republic. Later, passersby reported that the motorcyclist was drove on Engels street and lied there in the car of the traffic police. Following the crew, which stopped him.

Nina Baginskaya gives an interview, a girl delayed her back

So far Nina Bagynovskaya gave an interview to Konstantin Siddyko, in the background, a man in Balaclava grabbed and led the woman with a camera.

(will be supplemented)

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