VTB increased the portfolio of the raised funds to a quarter

VTB increased the portfolio of the raised funds to a quarter 18303_1

At the end of 2020, the portfolio of attracted funds of individuals in VTB exceeded 6.8 trillion rubles, an increase of 26%. Investment instruments have increased by 77%, classic savings portfolio - by 7%. Thus, VTB showed results significantly higher than the market, said during a press conference Deputy President-Chairman of the Board of VTB Anatoly Protnikov.

The total volume of classical liabilities in the bank at the end of 2020 amounted to 4.6 trillion rubles - by 7% more than a year earlier. The volume of current accounts increased by 64%, the letters of credit of individuals - by quarter. Cumulative accounts rose more than 2 times.

The portfolio of funds invested by VTB clients in investment products increased by 77% over the year and reached 1.8 trillion rubles. One of the key drivers for the growth of this segment was the investment of citizens to the securities market - for the year the volume of funds on brokerage accounts of individuals increased twice and exceeded 1.3 trillion rubles. 2.5 times the amount of funds under the program of non-state pension provision increased, 1.5 times - investments in mutual funds and the amount of funds under trust management agreements.

The highest growth last year was expected to demonstrate an escrow account, the volume of which rose by almost 6.5 times over the year and amounted to 266 billion rubles. In addition, since October, VTB began to produce subordinated bonds and until the end of the year using this tool, the Bank managed to attract more than 58 billion rubles.

"In 2020, the decline in the key rate of the Central Bank, as well as the growth of financial literacy of the population led to an accelerated increase in investment investment growth. In our opinion, this trend will continue in the coming year, as long as the prerequisites for a sharp change in the key rate, and therefore, there are no betting on deposits, there are no markets. For its part, in the near future we will offer qualified investors a new product - subordinated bonds denominated in foreign currency with the ability to obtain a significantly higher yield compared to standard savings products, "said Anatoly Protnikov.

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