Coco Chanel and Telnyshka. How did the sea style entered?

Coco Chanel and Telnyshka. How did the sea style entered? 18122_1
Audrey Tutu in the movie "Coco to Chanel", 2009 Photo:

Fashion in clothing is a capricious and unpredictable thing. Which is most captivating in this unpredictability, it is how sometimes the most ordinary things, by intricate viorations, become a nail of a sustainable trend trend. And there are a lot of such examples. Here we take, for example, the vest.

A word to which Russian-speaking marks denote this item of the wardrobe, originated from the word "tannik", the lower shirt that was put on a naked body. In French, this type of clothing was also called a shirt - Chemise. What is the French name here? And despite the fact that it was in the French Brittany in the XVI century, a wool striped shirt appeared in the seafarers - Chemise Rayée.

But at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1913, in the resort Norman town of Deauville, the place of rest of the Great Summary, came Coco Chanel, her present name, by the way, Gabriel Bonheur (Bonheur - Happiness, FR.). Then Coco made her first steps in fashionable business. With her was her lover Arthur Capel, who knew as a fight in a narrow circle. The couple immediately learned the scandal, indignant the primary society. What did they do?

Coco Chanel and Telnyshka. How did the sea style entered? 18122_2
Arthur Capel and Coco Chanel photo: Pinterest.Ru

They bathed in the sea, which at that time was considered the riding inadvertising. What we can only smile today. But then, about the causing swim "Shameless couples" the entire secular reporters. I must say that the "warming up" of the public was spent quite competently, and this suggests that Mademoiselle Coco already then showed an incomplete business grip.

Soon the newspapers, which signed the "bold swim", no less excitedly began to discuss the other event, which was also involved by Coco. In Deauville, she opened a boutique, which became the place of pilgrimage of secular fashionistas. Extravagant bathing in sea waters, the location of the coastal resort made it possible to throw a sea theme into fashionable clothing. The new style immediately became a boom.

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Coco Chanel in Tel'shka Photo:

Models Chanel plunged contemporaries into emotional ecstasy. Blaisers from the dark blue flannels with gold buttons, white pants, jumpers with a V-neck and, of course, she is a vest! Extravagant Parisian, having to go to this attribute of marine uniform, satisfied the yacht walks along the coast.

The proposed Coco Chanel style of clothing combined simplicity and extravagancy, nobility and independence.

Later the idea of ​​freedom, embodied in the vest, was willingly picked up. A striped T-shirt made a cult symbol of the intellectuals of the "new wave", a bright example - the film Jean-Luke Godard "on the last breathing".

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Frame from the film "On the last breath", 1960 Photo:

The trendy trend appeared at the beginning of the last century, and in the new millennium is not going to pass positions. On the contrary, world-famous fashion houses - such as Armani, Givenchy, Jean Paul Gaultier, Valentino - invariably, from the season for the season, turn to this style in their collections.

It is interesting that if almost until the end of the twentieth century for marine style was characterized by a classic silhouette, a limited number of parts and a blue-white colors, then at the present moment, along with the net classics, there are many different variations in the podiums - creative and outrageous, which, in fact, And it was originally laid in the meaning of this style.

Coco Chanel and Telnyshka. How did the sea style entered? 18122_5
Model and dancer Anna Konchakovskaya in Tel'shka Photo:

Because of the fashionistas, who declared today in the blouse "A-la Telnyashka" for a party, is not at all threatened to be sentient. On the contrary, most likely, it is she will receive the title of Queen Bala.

Author - Ira Marit

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