The volume of milk produced in the Nizhny Novgorod region amounted to 570 thousand tons last year

The volume of milk produced in the Nizhny Novgorod region amounted to 570 thousand tons last year 18119_1

The volume of milk produced in the Nizhny Novgorod region amounted to 570 thousand tons last year, the IA "Time N" was reported in the press service of the governor and the government of the region.

The meeting of the Public Council at the Nizhny Novgorod Ministry of Agriculture was held on the basis of the SEC "Kolkhoz" Kuibyshev "in Gorodetsky district.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food Resources of the Region Nikolay Denisov stressed that dairy livestock in the region successfully develops.

"The production of milk increases annually. Last year, the volume of milk produced in agricultural organizations and farms exceeded 570 thousand tons. Growth to the level of 2019 amounted to 4%, or 23 thousand tons. We put the task - to save the tendency, "said Denisov.

The Minister recalled that in order to stimulate the development of the livestock industry for agricultural producers, various directions of state support are operating.

"This year, more than 1.6 billion rubles of federal and regional subsidies are planned to support livestock farms. In particular, 1.2 billion rubles was allocated from the regional budget, "the minister added.

On this day, the participants of the event also visited the Gorodetsky Milk Plant JSC, which is one of the most stable and high-tech enterprises of the agrarian industry of the region. Equipment is modernized here, the production of dairy products is growing, its range is expanding.

"Today, our factory takes up to 200 tons of milk for processing from 26 farms from nine districts of the region. We produce about 20 items of dairy products. Recently launched a new line for the production of 42.5% butter cream oil, which has a European standard and is highly valued abroad. In our plans, an increase in milk processing to 250 tons per day, "said Nina Khasnikov, head of JSC" Gorodetsky Milk Plant ".

Among the participants of the meeting were the director of JSC Ilin-Zaborskoye Alexey Stepanov and Chairman of the SEC "Kolkhoz" Kuibyshev "Evgeny Kochetov, which are producers and suppliers of raw materials - milk. They noted the high importance of partnership with Gorodetsky dairy plant.

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