Do the pineapple juice and cola organism from the inside?

Do the pineapple juice and cola organism from the inside? 17978_1

Pineapple sometimes causes a feeling of burning, and the cola is known not only as a refreshment drink, and an effective cleaning agent. Does this mean that they can identically influence the body by driving it from the inside?

The effect of pineapple on the body

Pineapple is a large fruit (up to 2 kg) with a refreshing sweet taste. Such properties it acquires only when it becomes completely mature. Prior to that, pineapple is caustic - burns lips and oral cavity, so it is not used in food in such a form.

The pulp consists of 86% of the water. Also in it 12-15 mg of sugars (mainly sucrose), 0.7 mg of organic acids (mainly lemon) and about 50 mg of ascorbic acid. Pineapple is rich in vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, B6, PP) and minerals (potassium, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, etc.).

Do the pineapple juice and cola organism from the inside? 17978_2
Unlike bananas, pineapples do not pereze after collecting, so only ripe nollodies need to choose

The unique component of Pineapple is Bromelain. This is a complex of proteaotic enzymes. Their function lies in the splitting of protein substances on amino acids. The stomach is present similar to Bromelin enzymes that digest food.

Interesting fact: In fact, pineapple is more correct to call the nozzle, not the fruit. The part of the fruit we eat into food is a combination of a large amount of fruits that have grown together with each other. For full maturation, it takes about 3 years.

Thus, the pineapple juice is not capable of the corner of the body from the inside - it can only help quickly cope with the absorption of food. Therefore, its use while taking heavy food with a large number of meat helps the body better recycle it and assimilate the proteins.

Some limitations on the use of juice are still there, but they are associated with acids in its composition and their influence on the acidity of the gastric juice. Therefore, pineapples undesirably there are those people who are diagnosed with diseases of the gastrointestinal bodies.

What is part of the Cola?

Cola refers to the category of sweet beverages with gas and some caffeine content. There are many recipes, but in the classic version there are certain components:

  • sparkling water;
  • sugar;
  • caffeine;
  • Natural dye caramel;
  • natural flavoring;
  • Orthophosphoric acid (acidity regulator).
Do the pineapple juice and cola organism from the inside? 17978_3
In the cola fewer calories than in milk - 42 against 69 per 100 g.

Most questions arise to the last point - orthophosphoric acid, which, according to a common opinion, can destroy the body. Supporters of this version refer to experiments, during which, with the help of a cola, coins and other items are cleaned with ease, even from heavily visible pollution.

An interesting fact: the cola was invented in the US state of Georgia. In 1886, Dr. John Pemberton made a touch of caramel syrup, which began to sell in a local pharmacy. Sellers tried to add ordinary gas to it - the drink appeared.

However, in fact, orthophosphoric acid is much weaker than the same salt, which is contained in gastric juice. Its allowable concentration in beverages is from 0.5 to 1 g / l. Also, according to studies, this acid entering the body does not affect metabolism.

Therefore, as in the case of pineapple juice, the Cola does not harm the body in this regard. But it, like any other sweet carbonated drink, is not recommended to be used in excessive quantities.

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