Bellingcat: FSB employees who have previously poisoned the Oppositionist Kara-Murza twice


This is a continuation in a series of investigations on the involvement of special services to the attempts on opposition.

Bellingcat: FSB employees who have previously poisoned the Oppositionist Kara-Murza twice 17643_1
Vladimir Kara-Murza. Posted by: photo Reuters

FSB employees who are accused of involvement in the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, followed the oppositionist Vladimir Kara-Murz and have taken two attempts to its poisoning in 2015 and 2017. This is reported in a joint investigation of Bellingcat, The Insider and Der Spiegel.

During the investigation of Kara-Murza, the two employees of the FSBR, who went to him in Russia. One hung the phone when he heard the question, the second did not answer calls.

First poisoning

On May 26, 2015, Kara-Murza was in Moscow and during a conversation on video calling with Mikhail Khodorkovsky "He became sharply bad." "Student heartbeat, difficult to breathe, sweat, vomiting. I went to the toilet, barely reached the office, holding the walls. Colleagues laid on the sofa and called an ambulance, "recalled the opposition. Russian doctors diagnosed "heart failure" and banned transportation abroad. French toxicologist found in the body of Kara-Murza anomalous excess of four elements - copper, zinc, mercury and magnesium. After discharge, the opposition went to be treated in the USA.

Journalists found out that minima for the poisoning for Kara-Murz began to ride FSB employees. All trips were attended by Alexander Samofal, which in the previous investigation was called one of Nikita Isaev's statements in 2019. At a minimum of two trips, he was accompanied by a specialist in Konstantin Kudryavtsev, who called Navalny.

The fourth joint trip of FSB employees in 2015 ended two days before Kara-Murza poisoning: from 22 to 24 May 2015, the security forces were in Kazan. In the number of Valery Sukharev from NII-2 arrived there, a high-ranking FSB officer, which in the period of Navalny poisoning in Tomsk made more than a hundred calls to the members of the Emirates Brigade. Journalists believe that the FSB employees were either unable to find the right moment during the Kara-Murza business trips and caused toxin in Moscow, or as in the case of the bulk poison, they were put on underwear when the opposition was in Kazan: but Kara-Murza put it only Upon arrival in Moscow.

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Second poisoning

After treatment in the US, Kara-Murza returned to Russia. In April 2016, he made the first two working trips by region, after him began to follow FSB employees. After a trip to the Nizhny Novogorod in February 2017, Kara-Murze became bad again: the symptoms were the same. Russian doctors diagnosed the "toxic effect of an unidentified substance". Vladimir Kara-Murza Yevgeny's wife received the samples of his blood from the hospital and handed them to the US FBI, which came to the conclusion that the policy was poisoned by an unknown biotoxin.

FBI did not declassify the investigation. From the documents shown by the opposition, it follows that at the end of January 2018, some people came to Washington (the names are hidden) who met with the FBI Director: At that time, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bratnikov, head of Svr Sergey Naryshkin and Head of GRU Igor Korobov arrived in the USA. Journalists clarified that at the meeting with the Director of the FBI, Kara-Murza poisoning was discussed.

# News # Pohavlennaya # poisoning

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