What serials will be released in February 2021?

What serials will be released in February 2021? 17218_1
What serials will be released in February 2021? Photo: Depositphotos.

What high-profile premieres start in February 2021? What to see on TV or on open cutting venues? We present a selection of fresh serials - domestic and foreign, which will come out in the last winter month.

1. "Vacation"

Sunny premiere on TNT - a multi-sized family comedy on vacation. Demis Caribidis, Tatiana Dogleva, Pavel Mikes and other stars of Russian cinema and scene will appear. The plot will tell about the northern family who come to rest in Gelendzhik and fall into the whirlpool of events, love and other adventures.

Watch all the series can be online on Premier or TNT TV channel from February 1.

2. "Street of Svetlychkov"

Fresh american comedy-dramatic series about two school girlfriends. Friendship stretched out on decades despite the fact that the characters of the heroine are very different: Kate - quiet and a modest, and is always in the shadow of his girlfriend Talilli - a bright, energetic girl. Sarah Chok ("Clinic") and Catherine Highl ("Naked True") appear in the main roles. The plot is based on Bestseller Christine Khanna.

The series will be available on February 4 on NetFlix.

3. "Sklifosovsky"

The output of the eighth season of the Sklifosovsky series is scheduled for February 1. The show will continue to talk about the medical ramp of the Institute of Ambulance. New adventures and another testing of strength are waiting for heroes led by Oleg Bragin, the leading surgeon performed by Maxim Averin.

New spectators will see on the TV channel "Russia 1" from February 1.

4. "Dr. Harrow"

The continuation of the adventures of the talented Australian pathologist - the third season of the visible viewers of the show. The final series of the previous season left many questions to have to give answers. It is known that the leading role of Joan Griffith in the third season will act as a director of some episodes.

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Frame from T / C "Dr. Harrow", 2018 Photo: Kinopoisk.ru

Release will be held on the ABC channel on February 7.

5. "Black Lightning"

The solo project of superhero comics DC black lightning continues to delight fans with fresh series. In the queue - the fourth season, returning Jefferson Pierce (Williams Cress) for difficult work in the image of the hero. It is already known that the new series will become concluding for the show, so we look at all eyes!

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Poster to t / s "Black Zipper" Photo: kinopoisk.ru

Premiere - February 9 on the CW channel.

6. "Clarissa"

Multiserry psychological horror, taking the basis of the novel "Silence of the Lambs" Thomas Harris. Events are developing a year after the events set out in the book and the screenplay. The series reveals the image of Clarissa Stringing, who returned to the search for maniacs. In the 1991 film, Jodi Foster played her, now Rebecca Bridrs ("Big Wave").

Release is scheduled for February 11 on the CBS channel.

7. "For the sake of all mankind"

The second season of the fantastic series representing an alternative reality on the planet Earth, where "the space race is not over". New episodes will tell about the continuation of the confrontation of the United States and the USSR, as well as on the preparation of Nixon Astronauts by Nixon.

New issues will be released on Apple TV +, starting from February 20.

8. "Superman and Lois"

Premiere of the superhero series telling about Clarke Kent and Lois Lane in the modern world. They moved away from affairs and no longer save the world, deciding to live the life of the average American: to give birth to children, raise them, go to work. With horror, Clark and Lois understand that this is sometimes more difficult than dealing with the gangsters.

Starring: Tyler Hacklin ("Castle") and Bitsti Tallocks ("Dr. House"), whom the audience have already seen in the "Universe".

We expect the premiere on February 24 on the CW channel.

Hobbating a new series or continuation of the viewing of the old will scratch the cold february evening and will help expand the horizons. Indeed, in the presented selection of TV shows - projects of various genres that will fall to taste to any viewer.

Author - Maria Ivanchikova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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