Praskovya Ioannovna - How did a timid princess violated the tradition of his family?


Praskovya Ioannovna was one of the three surviving daughters of Ivan V. The fates of girls were different, but they were all extremely bright and interesting personalities who managed to make their contribution to the story.

Praskovye was not destined to get the title of duchess that was the eldest sister of Catherine, or become an empress, like a sister Anna, but it seems true, because it became a princess, which was able to marry love. What is the life of the intricacies open to us in the fate of Praskovya John? Does it really be called the most fortunate among the daughters of Ivan V?

Childhood and youth

Praskovya Ioannovna was born in 1694 in the family of the sovereign Ivan Alekseevich, which accounted for a single brother (on his father) Peter I. The dimensional icon depicted to this day with the image of Holy Paraskeva. Such shrines did for royal children, and the icon itself was to correspond to the growth of the child.

When the girl turned two years old, her father died from chronic disease. Mother, the queen-widow Praskovya Saltykov, decided to move to Izmailovo. The Izmailovsky Palace was transferred by Peter widowed his brother and niece.

I want to notice that the sovereign took care of a worthy education of Ivan's daughters. In the Palace itself, a fortress theater was organized, the development of which Praskovia Saltykov was engaged, and later her daughter.

It is no secret that Peter Great fagged to foreigners, and therefore the training of nieces and children instructed German teachers. Mentors from European countries enjoyed special honors. Like her sisters, young Praskovaya was trained in literacy, foreign languages, received wonderful manners, knew how to musitize and dance.

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Queen Praskovya Fedorovna

What was the princess?

This expense is difficult to draw up an unambiguous opinion. The fact is that different sources describe the girl in different ways. Like her father, Praskovaya did not differ in strong health, which was noticed by many courtes and foreigners who arrived in Russia. Duke Lari in his notes, characterizes the princess:

"Princess Parasivia, the second sister of the queen, is distinguished by the abilities, very bad face and thin, the health of weak. Praskovya stupid and has the same tendency to men as sister. "

In my opinion, it is impossible to call this opinion, because often foreign ambassadors were described in the unprofitable light of the approximate and relatives of Russian rulers, attributing to them non-existent vices.

In addition, refutations of the description given by the duke are found from other contemporaries. For example, Berchgolz cameras noted that Praskovia John "Brunette and Naughty," and the wife of Ambassador, Lady Rondo, noted that even unhealthy does not spoil the external attractiveness of the princes.

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Ivan Nikitin "Praskovya ioannovna"

Personal life of Ivan's daughters v

Petr great tried to arrange a personal life of nieces, looking for them favorable parties - first of all, for political unions of Russia and other countries. The older sister of Praskovia, Catherine, Uncle issued married Charles Leopold Mecklenburgsky. The marriage turned out to be unhappy, and soon Tsarevna-Duchess returned to his homeland with a small daughter (the future government of the Russian Empire, Anna Leopoldova).

Other sister Praskovia, Anna, Peter was sucking for the Kullynd Prince. He, alas, died of drunkenness a few months after the wedding. And the Savior of Anna Ioannovna, fate prepared a completely different role - the Board of the Russian Empire.

It would seem that for Praskovy uncle was supposed to find the appropriate groom, but for some reason it did not do it. Perhaps, really a girl was "stupid", namely, it would not be able to join the foreign society and could be able to live at the court of someone else's country. Be that as it may, Praskovya remained near the mother to 30 years.

Russian diplomat A.A. Ponlavilov wrote:

"When her mother died, the Tsarevna Praskovye Johnned was already the 30th year, and all the troubles on the section of the property and the estates of the Queen fell on it, and then on the management of them. Something timby and indecisive manifests itself in all its actions. "
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Louis Caravac "Empress Anna Ioannovna"

Marriage Tsarevna

However, Praskovye, John, was not destined to spend the rest of days alone. She asked the consent of Peter the Great to marriage with General-Annef Ivan Ilyich Dmitriev-Mamonov. From myself I want to note that there are assumptions of historians that the originally marriage union was concluded secretly.

This could well be, since such an act of princessed completely violated the traditional foundations of royal families. Before the daughters of the kings could not marry subjects, even immigrants from the most noble families.

That is why, before the reign of Peter, many princesses remained unmarried, because to find a representative of the monarch of the dynasty confessing Orthodoxy was almost impossible. Peter himself first violated this tradition. In the case of Praskov, it is clear that she really loved his chosen one if he dared to such a "revolutionary" step.

Last years

The year 1730 becomes catastrophic for the Praskovyi Isoannov family. First, her little son dies, and soon and spouse. Ivan Dmitriev-Mamonov died on the way, in a carriage of Empress Anna John, sisters of the spouse.

During the reign of Anna, the content of Praskovei princess was increased, its condition increased with each day, but now she had no need to live. His husband Praskovya Ioannovna survived only a year and a half, leaving the world on October 8, 1731. She never saw the flourishing of the board of his sister, and it is not known: did she need it?

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Ivan Nikitin "Portrait of the Son of Tsarevna Praskovia"

Praskovya Ioannovna lived only 37 years old, disinterested and joy, and loss. Was she happy in marriage? Nobody will surely answer this question, but, undoubtedly, she became one of those happy, who managed to tie his destiny with a loved one. For princes, it was really a personal feat, because she challenged the former principles and stood.

Perhaps, Praskov, Johnnunno can be called the only representative of the royal family, which managed to conclude a marriage with his own chosen one, and not a foreign prince dedicated to it or king.

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