Yandex launched launched the balance service Yandex Pay


Yandex launched launched the balance service Yandex Pay 16929_1 - Yandex (MCX: YNDX) "launched the Yandex Pay payment service, which should simplify and speed up the payment procedure.

According to the company to pay via Yandex Pay, you need to tie a map to an account on Yandex. This will pay the card without entering its data - they will catch up from the account on Yandex.

"People will easier make purchases, and shops will be able to increase by this sale," say in Yandex.

The service works with MasterCard maps (NYSE: MA), Visa (NYSE: V) and "Peace" of any banks - while Cashback and other bonuses of card holders are saved.

A new payment method is not only more convenient, but also safer, since there is no need to leave payment data on dozens of sites - just once to specify them in an account on the Yandex, where they are stored in an encrypted form.

"On Yandex services, you can pay orders for a long time. When people order food or taxis, they use Yandex technology, which are already tested by time. Now we are ready to offer this development to other market participants. Any company can put the Yandex Pay button to simplify the customers the payment process and, as a result, increase sales, "says Alexander Golovin, the service leader.

The Yandex Pay button has already been installed Lamoda, Brandshop and other famous brands, several large online stores filed a request.

You can connect Yandex Pay directly or contacting the payment service aggregator: such an opportunity is offered by Robokass, PayTure, RBK.Money. List of partners The company intends to expand.

Now the service works only on sites - in most popular browsers, but in the future people will be able to pay through Yandex Pay in mobile applications, in all browsers and offline.

The question of the development of its payment service stood up after the so-called "divorce" with Sberbank and the failed attempt to buy "Tinkoff" followed him.

Yandex called the reason for "divorce" with Sberbank

On the eve of the launch of fintech services and business building in e-commerce, VTB Bank (MCX: VTBR) raised the target price of Yandex to 6420 rubles. And gave the recommendation to "buy".

Text prepared Alexander Schnitnova

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