Night Door: What can I eat before bedtime


Modern rhythm of life does not always allow properly and in time. But what to do if it came from work late, but is there really really? After all, those who follow the figure knows that late meal is not a better weight loss assistant, because the risk of gaining extra kilograms increases several times. And while thin waist and flat belly!

There is an opinion that it is impossible to eat after six. But in fact, everything is not so strictly and uncompromising! There are after six possible, it is harmful for a long time to starve, the main thing is to eat the right products that will not harm your health.

What can you eat in the evening

We collected 5 products that can be bolder to eat at night.


Celery - a magic vegetable that has a negative calorie. That is, when you ate it, when digesting, the body spends more calories than it is contained. Here is the magic - you eat and lose weight!

The celery contains a huge amount of useful substances: vitamins E and K, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, etc.

In the evening it can be fascinated, both in combination with other vegetables, salad, and just in its pure form.

But celery can be included not only in the evening diet, the juice from it is incredibly useful in the morning, an empty stomach!

A fish

To at night, do not wake up from an attack of hunger, an excellent option for a late dinner will be a white fish. It is not so fat like red, so you can safely use those who follow the figure and health. It may be a cod, poltay, pike, flounder, heck.

The fish contains a large number of useful substances and trace elements.

For a variety, it can be replaced with other seafood, which are also rich in protein: shrimp, squid, mussels, oysters, the main thing is that the portion is no more than 200 grams.


It is believed that mushrooms are heavy food. But it's not at all! It becomes such, because many, with their preparation, use a large amount of oil and spices. In general, mushrooms are an excellent option for evening snack if they are boiled or baked.

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Everyone knows that citrus is a source of vitamin C, which strengthens immunity, has antioxidant properties, so important for age-related skin. But not many know that it stimulates digestion, speeds up the metabolism (what is needed for effective weight loss), and the fiber that is contained in them, suits for a long time without harm to the waist.


Nuts are very quickly saturated and quenched hunger for a long time. But their minus is that it is impossible to break away from them)) Therefore, control their quantity when used, they still have enough calories.

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