Retail investors are not lagging behind the institutional in the volume of buying bitcoin


Small and retail investors are not lagging behind the institutional in the volume of buying Bitcoin. Since the beginning of the year they bought over 187 thousand VTS.

Bitcoin streams have become balanced

The research data JPMorgan Chase & CO suggests that small and retail investors bought as many bitcoins as large institutional investors.

Although such statistics cannot fully prove full adoption of cryptocurrency by users, it shows that investment flows in Bitcoin become more balanced. Bitcoin's growth was influenced as the activity of institutional investors who massively bought Bitcoin at the end of last year and the community in Reddit, as well as minor investors who bought the CTC to stimulate payments in the amount of $ 1400.

The growth of Bitcoin's value led to the fact that more and more retailers are trying to invest in cryptocurrencies, so the index of fear and greed often remains in the green zone.

Retail investors are not lagging behind the institutional in the volume of buying bitcoin 1538_1
Index of fear and greed index

Bitcoin is not going to finish the bullish trend

Despite the correction, Bitcoin does not yet plan to complete the bullish trend, which began in the third quarter of 2020. And this means that the price of cryptocurrencies will continue to increase as the interest of institutional and retail investors grow and reaches an indicator of $ 100 thousand per piece by 2022.

William Quigley, managing director of Magnetic, said in an interview for CNN Business, which is the last year's Halling in the Bitcoin network, has become a key driver that caused the current BTC rally. In his opinion, the story shows that in the next 12-18 months, Bitcoin can rise in price by 300% - 500%.

This can attract even more retail investors to the cryptocurrency market. Recall that in September 2020, Bitcoin rose sharply in price. The CEO of the popular exchange of digital assets Binance Chanpen Zhao drew attention to the fact that Bitcoin could realize a positive movement against the background of another issuance to the Americans incentive checks in the amount of $ 1,200.

First payments, according to Forbes, many US citizens preferred to spend on bitcoins. An explanation of this choice was the attempt of people to preserve assets during the destabilization of the financial market against the background of the coronavirus pandemic. The following payments, many Americans also planned to spend on buy bitcoins. According to Chanpen Zhao, support for BTC received checks by US citizens positively affected the position of the digital assets market.

How to earn Bitcoin in 2021 without investments, we told here.

The POST Retail Investors are not lagging behind the institutional in terms of buying Bitcoin Appeared First On Beincrypto.

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