Top 8 Russian actors with the highest fees - among them only one woman


Let the earnings of domestic stars, cannot be compared with Hollywood fees, in our film business, too, there are obvious leaders - the most talented and demanded actors who, thanks to their talent, can ask for a contract more than the rest. Directors are willing to pay them not only for the guaranteed high-quality performance, but the "name" under the project, so everyone is satisfied. Who is included in the list of the most highly paid Russian actors?

Nikita Mikhalkov

The last years Nikita Mikhalkov is not so actively engaged in art, as a public and educational activities - nevertheless, his invaluable contribution to the domestic cinema has long overwhelmed the bar as long as 350 thousand dollars for the project at least. Given that few of his colleagues boast the Oscar and the generally accepted status of the "cult" director, Mikhalkov never sits without work.

Sergey Bezrukov

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Sergey Bezrukov. Photo from open access

Perhaps the most multifaceted artist of the current scene Sergey Bezrukov has always been distinguished by amazing productivity and a huge number of project in the process - find out what each it receives from 600 thousand dollars, cannot but surprise. The amount affected the presence of the status of a people's artist in almost all CIS countries, active work in the theater (for the soul, so that Bezrukova is still fighting for the cinema) and an incredible ability to reincarnate.

Konstantin Khabensky

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Konstantin Khabensky. Photo from open access

Another solid and unconditionally talented man of Russian cinema, Konstantin Khabensky, not the first year, how can the international status boast - he participated in several foreign paintings, while not throwing important social activities in his homeland. Huge fees from 800 thousand dollars for the season he directs in charitable funds, without ceasing to admire the public with its natural modesty and good heart.

Danil Kozlovsky

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Danila Kozlovsky. Photo from open access

The bright and charming person of modern Russian cinema, Danil Kozlovsky, the creators of new pictures pay almost a million dollars a few months of his attention - it receives from 900 thousand and higher. The demand for actors does not fall for the last 10 years after several successful works, and he still has time to give musical concerts - for example, the show "The Big Dream of an ordinary Man."

Vladimir Mashkov

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Vladimir Mashkov. Photo from open access

Vladimir Mashkova's popularity is fully justified by his charismatic role and amazing natural data - such a spectrum of roles few people can embody among the colleagues of the artist. So his contracts begin from 1 million dollars and higher.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

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Svetlana Hodchenkova. Photo from open access

At the same amount costs the projects not only the domestic, but also a foreign star Svetlana Khodchenkova. After filming in a blockbuster "Rossomakh" from the Fox Studio, attention to her has grown sharply from American directors, and now local directors have to fight for it.

Fedor Bondarchuk

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Fedor Bondarchuk. Photo from open access

Fedor Bondarchuk do not need to be able to say everything for him, the name of successful works and endless list of filmography. To get such a person in your film at any level - a guarantee of success, because with a huge number of connections and its own talent, Bondarchuk immediately increases the tape caliber on several steps. True, this pleasure is not cheap - from 1 million 300 thousand and higher.

Dmitry Nagiyev

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Dmitry Nagiyev. Photo from open access

Well, the highest fee surprised the characteristic, clockwork and extremely charming Dmitry Nagiyev - for the sake of working with him for one season will have to lay out at least $ 3 million. The thing is that Nagiyev has long been a permanent advertising person of a huge number of brands, telecasts, enterprises and trademarks, because of what he probably does not have enough time. You have to choose only the most interesting work, limiting them at least in terms of the level of final salary.

It is interesting to see how Elena Baturin and daughter Luzhkov changed. We wrote about her as the richest woman in the country. By the way, we recently learned how the most ugly woman in the world looked like. Sad story of the life of "Women-Monkey"

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