Opera singers help patients with COVID-19 again learn to breathe

Opera singers help patients with COVID-19 again learn to breathe 15057_1

The British National Opera and the London Hospital developed a joint six-week program of rehabilitation of people who have lost coronavirus. The program is the individual lessons of vocals from opera artists.

Opera singers help patients with COVID-19 again learn to breathe 15057_2
The coach for the singing of Suzy Zompe (at the top of the left) leads the program of rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19, which she spends in the English National Opera

Recently, Susi's vocal coach Zompe spent a workout with a student. She asked him to straighten up, breathe full of breasts and make a series of breathing exercises, exhausted short sharp gusts of air. Then she asked him to publish a buzzing sound and narrow the tongue, as if disgust.

Although classes were conducted through Zoom, they reminded those that Zuumpe usually leads to the Royal Music Academy or in the Garcington Opera, where she teaches young singers.

But the 56-year-old Cameron is not a singer; He manages the warehouse logistics of the company for the production of stationery. The session was appointed by doctors as part of his recovery plan after a severe case with COVID-19 in March last year.

Few cultural organizations avoided the effects of a pandemic. In Britain, many opera producers simply closed projects without hoping that they could get out of the current situation.

But the English National Opera, one of the two leading British companies, is trying to redirect their energy: they made protective equipment for hospitals and searched for the ability to broadcast the opera in the parks. New step - medical program.

Initially, twelve patients were scored. After an individual consultation with a vocal specialist, they took part in the weekly group classes held online.

The goal was to encourage them to maximize their lungs, which in some cases damaged the disease, but also to teach them to breathe calmly and cope with anxiety - a problem for many people who are experiencing a long COVID.

Along with the weekly classes, participants received access to online resources, including downloaded notes, refreshing videos, shot on the main stage of the British National Opera, and Soothing Playlists Spotify.

Opera singers help patients with COVID-19 again learn to breathe 15057_3
The musicians of the English National Opera record the lullabies for the Medical Program ENO Breathe.

In a statement, the opera troupe states that at the next stage it is planned to attract up to 1000 people.

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