Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsy: how to put flowering plants?


    Good afternoon, my reader. Luxuriously blooming bulbous and tuberukovic plants often have a similar root system. However, this does not mean that they prefer the same conditions for cultivation. Depending on the size of the planting material between the flowers, various intervals are withstanding. In addition, the periods of flowering they also do not coincide.

    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsy: how to put flowering plants? 15056_1
    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsa: how to put the blooming plants of nonsense

    Gladiolus (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    On bulbous plants there is one characteristic feature: cultures that bloom in early spring are planted in the ground at the end of August - early September. But the blooming autumn just the opposite is early in the spring.

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    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsa: how to put the blooming plants of nonsense

    Hyacinths (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The novice summer houses would be nice to navigate the following chart:

    • April-May - Study Begonia, Ranunculyus, Gladiolus, Allyium;
    • May-June - Georgine;
    • July-September - Snowdrop (Galantus);
    • August-September - Springnik (Erantis), Markchik Imperial, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Lily;
    • September-November - Crocus, Hiacintoes, Muskari, Ranunculyus, Tulip, Allyium.

    Buying bulbs and tubers, it is important to take into account the dates of planting and, accordingly, flowering. In addition, you need to know that some of the clubs are planted in the soil in the summer.

    Most tuberukovic plants prefer good lighting. However, gentle flowers are afraid of bad weather. Therefore, landing sites must be protected from cold winds.

    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsy: how to put flowering plants? 15056_3
    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsa: how to put the blooming plants of nonsense

    Georgina (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    In addition, there are cultures that are comfortable to grow in the shade or feud:

    • Prefer bright sunlight - Allyium, Georgin, Gladiolus, Iridodikim, Muskari, Ranunculus, Tulip;
    • can grow in the sun and in the shade - Begonia, Hyacinth, Crocus, Lily, Narcissus, the Ryabchik Imperial, Springnik (Eurantis);
    • Easy to endure the shadow - hyacinthoids, snowdrop (galantus).

    These plants can be grown in mobile containers. Therefore, the issue with lighting is solved very easily.

    Most tuber and bulbous crops are not too demanding to the composition of the soil. The exception is only rare (exotic) instances. Therefore, for plants that gardens of the middle strip are planted from year to year, no special conditions needed.

    All clubs are planted so that the growth point (sleeping kidney) watched up. After the bulb or the tuber will be placed in a hole, it is closed with soil, which is then slightly tamped.

    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsy: how to put flowering plants? 15056_4
    Bulbs, tubers, clubnellukovitsa: how to put the blooming plants of nonsense

    Tulips (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Experienced gardeners are added to each well a few organic organic (compost, humid, low-door peat). In addition, the plants began to develop rapidly, they can be kept in advance in warmth.

    Most plants with a bulbous root system are cold-resistant and unpretentious flowers. With their help, without much effort, you can make a low border, decorate the input group or emphasize the garden path. In any corner of the garden, these flowers look wonderful.

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