Aliexpress will pay for Russian sellers 1.5 billion rubles for discounts


Aliexpress will pay for Russian sellers 1.5 billion rubles for discounts 1500_1

Aliexpress Russia launched the subsidy subsidies for Russian sellers, reported in a press release of the company. According to the application, about 60,000 products from the local stores of Marketplace will be sold at discounts that will not entail expenses from the sellers. In most cases, the discount will be no more than 2,000 rubles - the platform will pay for everything, the report says.

According to forecasts, Aliexpress Russia, in the long run, this will lead to a significant increase in orders in local platform stores. To subsidize discounts to Russian sellers of small and medium businesses, the trading platform plans to spend about 1.5 billion rubles.

"Aliexpress discounts appear in 5,000 Russian stores on the platform," the site says. It is reported that the system will independently choose the goods that will fall under subsidies. First of all, the discount will spread on those sellers who "closely relate to the rating", according to a press release of the company, specifying that subsidization applies to all categories of physical products.

According to the general director of Aliexpress, Russia Dmitry Sergeyev, the company decided to invest in the development of local sales, because "the e-commerce market is planned to coordinate price coercion by reducing sales profits."

"Marketplates make small business reduce prices or leave the site. On the one hand, low price attracts buyers. On the other hand, it reduces the profit of a small business and prevents it from developing, "said Sergeev, clarifying that the share of local sales now accounts for about 25% of Aliexpress Russia. In the future, the company intends to increase local sales "due to the powerful growth of the number of orders and turnover of Russian vendors."

According to the surveyed Forbes experts, the subsidy subsidies can attract potential customers and increase sales on the one hand, and on the other, it can create additional problems with the sellers themselves. The interlocutors of the publication suggested that if a certain company was represented on several marketers at once, it may be forced to reduce the price on other sites already at its own expense to equalize the price conditions.

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