Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against


When it comes to repairing the kitchen, the question arises, isolate it from the residential room and the corridor. Fashion trends in modern design have already almost displaced the presence of a canvas, but how practical is it? In this article we will consider in detail the question of the need for the door in the kitchen.

Saves from noise

Door canvas are necessary for families whose life rhythms do not coincide. If one person goes to bed early, and the other at this time thundering dishes in the kitchen, this will not add comfort.

Also in the United Kitchen-Living Room, a dishwasher and a working refrigerator will be better, if you like to communicate at the dinner table or watch movies, the extra noise will only hurt.

To families with children, the door will also come in handy: while the little child sleeps, parents can be held in an isolated kitchen, take cooking or washing dishes, and two canvases will protect from noise better than one.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_1

"Eats" space

Removing the door, you can significantly increase the doorway, so that the room will become spacious and will be filled with light. Expansion of the area will allow the location of large household equipment for which there was not enough space before, as well as increase the storage system.

Many people are much more comfortable to be in a large room - with a sofa, a dining room and a TV zone, as in European layout. Such projects look richer and more interesting if decorated with taste.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_2

Does not give to spread odors

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For someone, the flavors of the preparing food are associated with the house and comfort, and someone cannot endure the "kitchen" smells in residential premises. It all depends on the quantity and type of cooking: the light salads once a day will not give problems, and even the most powerful extract can not cope with the abundance of fried meat and fish.

When the door is installed, you have a choice: close it, without giving odors to spread, additionally, including extractor, or open to fill the apartment with pleasant flavors of purified tangerines, sliced ​​cucumber or homemade baking.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_3

Takes place

If the kitchen in your apartment is not impressive with dimensions, it will be easy to use the door: most of the owners take off the cloth for this reason. The door can open into a narrow corridor, making it difficult for households, or in close kitchen, where it often lacks the area even for the most necessary - refrigerator and a full-size dining table. The absence of the door partially solves these problems.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_4

Need by law

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If you live in a private house that is not connected to the gas pipeline, you can manage the kitchen opening at your discretion. But if the kitchen area in the apartment equipped with a gas stove, less than 12 m², remove the door is forbidden.

Also, the door canvas is a prerequisite in the kitchen with a gas column or a boiler, regardless of the pattern.

A deaf canvas should not be installed: glass doors, "accordion" designs and even mobile partitions are allowed. When combining the kitchen, this is documented and coordinated.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_5

Requires additional investments

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During the repair, it often has to choose what to save. And only you decide how profitable to remove or install a new door. In some cases, only the change of the canvas is needed, in others it is advisable to invest in the installation of new door boxes.

Sometimes it is enough just to remove the door so as not to spend the family budget, and sometimes the need for complete unification of the kitchen with the living room is so strong that neither bureaucratic difficulties nor the cost of dismantling the walls nor the spent time will not be obstacles.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_6

Provides solitude

Door canvas need if you work until everyone is sleeping, and the kitchen is the only isolated room. Also, the door helps to create privacy if the hostess or master of the house loves to cook alone, do not submit home to the process.

And in one-room apartment kitchen can serve as a place of rest, because each sometimes needs a personal space.

Another essential plus doors - the ability to hide mess in the kitchen from guests, if you are accustomed to take them in the room, and also from yourself if there are no strength to wash the dishes and cleaning.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_7

Need in an apartment with animals

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If there are animals in the apartment, then the door that does not allow them to penetrate them into the kitchen is necessary. It will keep the dishes from damage (the cat can smeach it down), cooked and unclosed food - from wool, and in a hurry left on the table products - from destruction.

The door will serve as a protective barrier and will ensure peace of mind who wants to control the movement of their pet.

Put the door to the kitchen or not? - 8 for and against 14987_8

Doubts about the presence of a kitchen door can be dispelled, carefully weighing all the pros and cons: consider the number of residence, the frequency of cooking, the presence of children, animals, as well as your love for open spaces.

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