6 products in which most useful substances


What products should be in the diet during the period of spring avitaminosis.

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With the arrival of spring, our organism begins to acutely to feel the lack of useful substances. It's time to revise your diet and start using more vitamin products. We chose six superfudues that will help cope with spring avitaminosis and restore vitality and beauty.


The fresh root of ginger is indispensable during the offseason, when the body is so vulnerable to viruses and colds. Its fruits contain many vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, zinc and potassium, and a number of important amino acids. Ginger tea warms, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens immunity, saturates the brain with oxygen, tones the body and promotes the tide of the forces. In addition, burning spice is an excellent antidepressant, which is especially important when the street is still raw, dirty and gray.


Broccoli's green cabbage contains valuable antioxidant - beta-carotene, a lot of vitamin C, B9, E, and also important for bones Vitamin K. Fruits are rich in potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus - all this makes broccoli nutritious and balanced product. She relieves inflammation, normalizes vision. Cabbage is good as a garnish to meat dishes, in salads and smoothies, and still delicious broccoli, boiled pair, with olive oil, sea salt and grated cheese.

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Sea fish

Due to winter wind, frost and temperature drops, leather and hair becomes dry and lifeless. Returns them Beauty and freshness will help them fat fish - mackerel, herring, salmon, salmon, pink salmon, trout, society and the other. In addition to important vitamins B, RR and D, the meat of fish contains a colossal amount of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6, which feed the skin and hair, smooth wrinkles and slow down the aging processes. And the fish is an excellent source of protein that stimulates the production of collagen and helps the skin to remain elastic, hair - shiny, and the bones are strong.

Gruced wheat

The germinating grain accumulates all the vitality in order to give life a new plant - that is why in the content of vitamins and trace elements it will give odds to everyone else. And most importantly - germinated wheat has excellent digestibility. Its grains are replete with potassium, silicon, zinc, iron, vitamins A and group B, E and other valuable components. Regular use of 3-4 tbsp. l. The product per day will lay the digestion, normalizes the metabolism, restore the beauty of the skin and hair, will strengthen the immunity and relocate from toxins and slags.

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The taste of fresh greenery is always associated with spring and warm sunny days. Parsley, dill, green salad, rollets, kinza, spinach, basil, green onions - all these "pantry vitamins" can not only buy in the store, but also grow on your own windowsill. In the greenery, a lot of vitamins A, B, C, K, RR, D, E, as well as calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine and other minerals, is concentrated, it strengthens the immunity, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, stimulates the intestinal peristalsis, Displays harmful substances from the body. And chlorophyll, giving plants green, significantly reduces the risk of cancer development, which is especially important for those who love meat.


During the avitaminosis, radish is very important due to the content of vitamins C, E, RR, group B, as well as a number of trace elements - iodine, iron, selenium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium. 100 g of vegetable can fill the daily need of the body in potassium, and more radish fruit rich in antioxidants and valuable amino acids that have a bactericidal action. Radish stimulates digestion and improves appetite, maintains a normal blood viscosity, participates in the transportation of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, and also normalizes the water and alkaline balance.

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