Representatives of the world's largest museums and famous artists: January 28 At the Art Moscow Online International Forum

Representatives of the world's largest museums and famous artists: January 28 At the Art Moscow Online International Forum 14402_1

As part of the International Forum, Art Moscow Online, which will be held on January 28, representatives of the Victoria Museum and Alberta, Louvre Abu Dhabi, Uffiza Gallery, Prada Foundation. World artists and experts will discuss the consequences of a pandemic, the search for new Digital Mechanic and the transformation of the conservative art environment, and will also share experience in the field of patronage and collectibles.

Among foreign chadliners forum: Director of the Museum of the Louvre Abu Dhabi Manuel Rabat, Head of the Prada Foundation Programs Chiara Costa, Head of International Program of the Victoria Museum and Albert Nick Marshant, Artistic Director of Acute Art Daniel Birnbaum, Director of Hublot Marketing Philip Tardivel, Ex-Director for Digitalization Art Basel Alban Fisher, photographer Martin Parr, film director, screenwriter and artist Marta Fains, designer Jean-Louis Denio, artists Mark Ferrero, Zhang Huan, David Datuna, Art Group Obvious.

Confirmed Russian Forum Speakers: Director of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin Marina Lisak, General Director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky, General Director of Sotheby's in Russia and the CIS Irina Stepanova, Executive Vice President and Director of the Corporate Art Collection of Gazprombank Marina Citenina, founder of the Cultural and Historical Foundation "Communication Times", founder of the Faberge Museum in St. Petersburg, collector, patter Victor Vekselberg, founder of the Museum "Meeting" David Yakobashvili, chief architect of Moscow Sergey Kuznetsov, artists Vladimir Dubosar, AES + F, Alexander Ponomarev, Recycle Group.

"Pandemic made large-scale changes in all directions of human activity, and also gave a new round of development of culture. We have long seen the growing interest of the public to art, today it is an upward trend. ART MOSCOW Online is a unique forum that is designed to show the actual cut of what is happening not only in art, but also in design, architecture, collecting - to ask a cultural agenda for 2021. And the online format of the forum will allow to immerse yourself in an art environment to everyone who wants, without leaving the house, "- Vasily Bychkov, Director of the Art Moscow Online forum, President of the International Confederation of Collectors, Antiquaries and Art Dealers, General Director of Expo Park Expo Park Exhibitions .

ART MOSCOW Online business program is presented in the form of sessions and public speeches. Case Study - analysis and analysis of the best cases and practices from world media players. Interview - conversation with world representatives of art, architecture and design. KeyNote - performances of chadliners event. The plenary session is a key event forum with a discussion of the central topic. Hidden Exhibition - the ability to see virtual collections without leaving home. Art Talks - Discussions with the participation of Russian and foreign speakers on topical topics in the field of art, art business, architecture and design.

Among the most interesting sessions of the program that cannot be missed:

"OVR and the effect of presence. New formats for auctions and fairs. " Participants will discuss how the pandemic and quarantine transformed the formats of interaction and presence in the art market, will talk about the large-scale trend of Digital All on the example of a major fair of ART Basel Hong Kong. Among the session speakers: Frieze program director of New York Loring Randolph, Ex-Director for Digitalization Art Basel Alban Fisher, Managing Director for Continental Europe, Middle East and Africa Christie's Bertold Muller, General Director of Sotheby's in Russia and the CIS Irina Stepanova.

"Zhang Huan. Life power of art. " The artist will tell about the latest works, his first personal exhibition in Russia and how to combine Western artistic techniques in creativity with the concepts of traditional Chinese culture, and why he again plans to return to the Performance. Interviewer Dmitry Ozerskov, Head of the Department of Contemporary Art of the State Hermitage.

KeyNote Speeches of the ACUTE Art Director Daniel Birnbauma and the head of the Prada Foundation Programs Chiara Costa, Photographer Martin Parra, Alexby Gudjemos, Founder of the Institute of Art Business and Antiques of Irina Kolosova, Head of the City Competence Center of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives Tatiana Zhuravlev.

A series of interviews with film director, screenwriter and artist Martha Fayns, artists Vladimir Dubosar, Aes + F, Recycle Group, Alexander Ponomarev.

Three discussions will affect the specifics of collecting in the new conditions, its connection with museums and exhibition spaces and how the collections have influenced the world museum case as part of the ART-TALKS - "Profile of consumption. A new generation of collectors "," Can museums exist without collectors? "," Fake Art. Fakes and scams. "

To deal with who and how the trends in the modern art market will try the director of the Uffia Gallery Ake Schmidt, the head of the international programs of the Victoria Museum and Albert Nick Marshand, General Director of the State Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky at the Beyonce Effect session. Who sets fashion on art? ".

The broadcast of the program will be conducted on the website of the forum and the playgrounds of information partners.

Free registration and timetable forum business program is available on Art Moscow Online website:

free registration

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