"There will be a lack of spiritual heat": Dmitry Shepelev predicted unfortunate life with Catherine Tulupova


Recently Dmitry.

hinted on the engagement with Catherine Tulupova. TV presenter published a photo in his instagram with a ring. In addition, the couple prepares for replenishment in the family. Now they raise two children from previous relations: Son Jeanne

Plato and daughter Tulupova from the first husband.

Dmitry Shepelev. Photo: 1TV.ru.

How happy this union will be happy, told Numerologist Clara Kozdenbayev.

"Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 - in Numerology, this day is called" Fate Day ". It is a carrier of a thousandth sign - a sign of fame. In such people, the middle way is not given, so Dmitry should always strive for growth, otherwise the decline will go. Shepelev's volitional character, he always reaches his goals. Talented, sincere, perceives someone else's pain close to heart. It has a huge charisma, lucky, everyone loves, a good friend. But at the same time, in everyday life, a difficult character can be said, even unbearable: grumbled, and over the years it will only be aggravated. Also from negative qualities - maliciousness, jealousy, pride, categorical, ambitiousness, "

- Says an expert.

Dmitry Shepelev and Ekaterina Tulupova, photo: tvcenter.ru

Kuzdenbayeva believes that in the year of the 38th anniversary of the showman should do its health. The period of recession and conflict comes in his life. But his chosen, on the contrary, there will be an internal rise.

"Ekaterina was born on February 19, 1983 -" Day of inquisitive optimism. " And for her, the time of success, fame and motherhood comes in 38 years. From Shepelev She gives birth to a girl. With Dmitry, they are ideally suitable for each other: Catherine is essentially a peacekeeper, and only she can withstand the serious nature of the partner, and he will be a donor of energy. In addition, excellent compatibility in the elements: they are both aquaries. So that good luck is on the side of the pair, they need to travel a lot, have hobbies and hobbies. Then life will be rich and interesting, and partners will never bother to each other. However, there is a possibility that Dmitry and Catherine will not have enough peace of mind: this is due to the fact that Katya is a rather hard man. Intelligent, cunning and, unlike partner, tied to money ",

- An expert numerologist assures.

Dmitry Shepelev. Photo: Zvezdi.ru.

In addition, Kuzdenbayeva claims that Shepelev's compatibility with Tulupova is much greater than with Zhanna Friske.

"Unfortunately, even if Jeanne was alive and healthy, their relationship would be doomed. At the singer, despite the external confidence, there were complexes, and shelelev neglected ",

- the numerologist is divided.

Meanwhile, Yulia Savicheva accused Seryabkin in all his troubles: a break with Fadeev, the loss of a child and witchcraft. And Nikita Dzhigurda told about sex with Anisina. In addition, the daughter of Urganta starred half-subsided in the arms of the boyfriend-African American.

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