Gemini with different skin color were born in the USA: the photo is unlike each other kids

Gemini with different skin color were born in the USA: the photo is unlike each other kids 14230_1

The situation that occurred in the family of Mulatte Keiei and her dark-skinned husband Jordan, according to statistics there is a million in the world once a million. Twins have born with different types of appearance.

The Americans Cape and Jordan recently became the parents of twins with different skin color. One kid inherited the genes of his mother, mulatto from the Mother Englishwoman and the Nigerian father, and the other is the genes of her father, whose skin. What do these unusual kids look like, will show.

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The difference between children, parents noticed not immediately

The couple recently born twins, and everyone surprised the fact that two children look completely different: one dark skin, like a father, and the other is bright, like a mother. The boy jasia is bright and straight hair, and his sister Nayla boasts dense black and curly hair.

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"It's really amazing that they have completely different appearance! Recently, my children were four months old, "said Mother of kids in an interview with The Sun.

Baby Kylie was long and difficult, so they even didn't even notice the difference between children. At the end of the complex process, Keyli fell asleep, and only the next day, they with Jordan realized that their twins were really unique!

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"We never thought that one would like her husband, and the other was on me. Even physicians who took care of me were amazed, because they never saw anything like that, "says happy mom.

Despite the different color of the skin, Kayle says that two twins have some similar characteristics. For example, both children are dark brown eyes.

Large parents are happy to replenish in the family

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Kale and Jordan have a large family. In addition to newborn twins, the couple also raises four children from the first marriage of a woman. According to a woman, her newborn twins is never boring, because someone from their members of their big family constantly wants to play with them.

Chances to give birth to twins with different skin color due to different ethnic affiliation of parents, as in the case of Kayley and Jordan, are very small - one per million.

Usually, when parents have a different origin, children inherit the combination of Pope and Mom genes. In some cases, the genes of one of the parents prevail, so the children are born more similar to it. But it happens that the genes of both parents dominate, and then even the twins may appear with a completely different color of the skin.

Earlier, we talked about the girl from Brazil, which was born with gray hair, and showed how a two-year-old child with a unique appearance looks now.

Main photo under license Twenty20

Photo: The Sun

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