Twitter does not respond to the requirements of Roskomnadzor to remove prohibited content

Twitter does not respond to the requirements of Roskomnadzor to remove prohibited content 13413_1

Evgeny Zaitsev, Head of the Department of Management and Supervision in the Sphere of Electronic Communications of Roskomnadzor, said that the American social network Twitter did not respond to the requirements of the Russian Office to remove prohibited information, as well as the recent deceleration of the service in the territory of the Russian Federation.

During the construction of a press conference, Evgeny Zaitsev spoke about the following: "Twitter at the moment continues to demonstratively to ignore any demands of our Office to remove the prohibited content, which is now posted on the social network pages. These are pornographic materials, and appeals to commit suicide, and extremist materials, and much more, which is prohibited by Russian legislation. "

Evgeny Zaitsev on his speech also said that certain complaints also have some popular foreign Internet services. Most of all in Roskomnadzor, in addition to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are unhappy.

"Despite the fact that Facebook and YouTube respond to our requests too promptly, they still delete that information and content that are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation. To Twitter, we have a huge number of complaints - representatives of the social network do not give us any feedback, no moves to the service to perform Russian legislation, apparently, not foreseen in the near future. Therefore, in the future, the most serious measures will be applied to this service, "Zaitsev noted.

At the end of his report, Yevgeny Zaitsev said that Roskomnadzor will be waiting for exactly 30 days from the moment of the first slowdown in Twitter, after which the service will most likely be blocked in Russia.

On March 16, the deputy head of Roskomnadzor Vadim Subbotin said that Twitter would be fully blocked in Russia, if he continues to ignore the requirements of the Office for the execution of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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