In China because of COVID-19, dangerous areas isolate with 3-meter shields

In China because of COVID-19, dangerous areas isolate with 3-meter shields 13031_1

Large vaccination is held now in China. First of all, they instill employees from industries that are most often in contact with chilled products. At the same time, several major cities are experiencing a dejulo-residents again sent for a compulsory quarantine.

At least a week, 18 million inhabitants of the two Chinese cities Shickyaduan and a synth of at least a week is forbidden to leave their apartments. Areas are isolated with 3-meter metal shields.

Announced the victory over the virus in the spring, all this time the authorities recorded in the country mainly single import cases, but they were blocked by mandatory quarantine. In the province of Hebei, almost all those infected with villages and villages. The account of infected already goes for hundreds. There were no such numbers in China for almost six months.

In China, there is a dejahu effect: again posters with a call not to be assembled by large companies, white in red resemble prevention.

A new time sign: If, when entering public places, fences and a watch guard with a thermometer appeared, requiring scanning QR code, therefore, there are sick. Beijing, surrounded by a high risk zone - Hebei province, now in general on a special control. Multi-kilometer traffic jams are observed on all approaches to the capital, entry into the city is blocked.

Beijing is new in China the focus of infection is less than 300 kilometers of the way. In order to prevent the outbreak in the capital, the authorities tighten the measures within the city. To call a taxi, you must first convey data about your health, otherwise the car simply will not come to the challenge.

While in Hebe, people are built into the gigantic queues for testing. In Schijiazhuuan alone, all 11 million inhabitants, including children, should re-pass tests for 2 days, in Beijing in full swing vaccination. Grafs are already more than a million people. And this is a week.

Gao Jian, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Health: "Currently there are 241 vaccine points in the city. They are responsible for vaccination of more than 7 thousand employees. There is still a working force in our reserve, because the vaccine is greater value. "

To the Chinese New Year, and this time it falls on February 12, 50 million people expect to instill in the Middle Kingdom. Nevertheless, all movements around the country during the vacation authorities called on to cancel. In case of extreme need for a trip, a negative test will be needed. However, some and so sit at home. In high risk areas, the doors already decorated for the holiday sealed at the time of quarantine.

Mandatory two-week isolation will have to go through and WHO experts. The international group will arrive in China tomorrow to find out the origin of the virus. The first point of the route will be the city of Wuhan.

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