It's not about food: what to do before eating to live long

It's not about food: what to do before eating to live long 13030_1

Many great attention is paid to the right nutrition and useful products, completely forgetting that the food is important not only the quality of food.

Special attention needs to be prepared and prepared for reception. Interestingly, in countries with a large number of long-livers, traditionally pay great attention to time before meals. Not only hygiene, but also mental state.

Wait for hunger. There is nothing worse for health when we eat not from hunger, when the aromatic and appetizing food appeared somewhere on the horizon. You need to eat not from boredom, from alarm or on schedule. Such a habit leads to a rapid weight gain.

It's not about food: what to do before eating to live long 13030_2

Wash your hands and wash. Well, with your hands everything is clear - this procedure is needed to get rid of microbes and remove the dirt. But as for washing, then the reason is completely different. The fact is that it should be washed in order to return attention and remove signs of fatigue. For the reason you need to postpone the gadgets and turn off the TV. During meals, it is useful to focus on her taste.

It's not about food: what to do before eating to live long 13030_3

Return sincere equilibrium. Before meals, it is necessary to calm down, despite the way your day turned out to be sophisticated. Food, which we eat in rage or anger - will be poison for the body. And the reason is that the body will highlight the hormones of stress and they will lead to gastritis, as well as poor food digestion. Hence, probably, came the custom of a feasting prayer that soothes.

It's not about food: what to do before eating to live long 13030_4

Drink a glass of water. Some are confident that water interferes with digestion and dilutes gastric juice. But scientists have proven - for this you simply need an unreal amount of fluid, but the glass of water will certainly prevent. So for moderation at the table you need to drink a glass of water so as not to pounce on food from the hunger strike and moderately chew food during the meal.

It's not about food: what to do before eating to live long 13030_5

Food must please. For the body, it is very harmful when a person is obsessed with diet and trying to eat a spoon of something not tasty, but useful. Food should bring not only benefit, but also pleasure

Observing simple rules, food intake will become a pleasant ritual, which not only destroys hunger, but also brings pleasure.

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