What to do to gather twice the crop of cucumbers


    Good afternoon, my reader. Even knowing how and when to spend each of the steps of growing cucumbers, it is possible to use any important point to skip some important point. As a result - reduction in the quality of the harvest. What to do, so that this does not happen?

    What to do to gather twice the crop of cucumbers 12773_1
    What to do to gather twice the larger crop of cucumbers

    Starting with the selection of a high-yielding variety derived for a particular region. After the selection of the sowing material, its processing before landing, sowing, growing seedlings and prepare it for landing on the garden, a reasonable question arises, what to do next.

    Cucumber is a thermal-loving culture, it is transferred to an open ground after:

    • will be a threat of frosts;
    • The street will establish the temperature regime not lower than 19-22 ° C.

    After the seed, seeds should pass at least 25-30 days, and grow from 2 to 4 leaves on seedlings.

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    What to do to gather twice the larger crop of cucumbers

    In the conditions of the middle strip, the cucumbers are seeded:

    • for indoor soil - in the last numbers of March;
    • For open beds - in April from 1 to 15.

    Then in this region, seaside bushes can be transferred:

    • to the greenhouse in the last days of April - May;
    • There is no shelter to bed - in May 1 to the 15th day.

    Also focus on the temperature of the soil: at the time of the transplant of the seedlings, it should be above 15 ° C.

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    What to do to gather twice the larger crop of cucumbers

    The transplantation on the site is done by observing the distance between the wells at 30-40 cm. For watering, water is used in room temperature. A handful of nutritious land is suited to each boarding pitch. From the use of fresh manure refuse, it harms the roots of culture.

    In any case, during transplanting seedlings experience stress that can be minimized:

    • carrying out the shading of landing in the first weeks;
    • compliance with the norms of watering (2 times in 7 days by water with a temperature of 25-27 ° C).

    This is an equally important step in the fight for the high harvest. It can be divided into steps.

    So that there are no bitterness in the fruit, culture needs adequate irrigation:

    • Before the flowering in clear weather, the cucumber landing is watered 1 time per day. The bush leaves from 0.3 to 0.5 liters of water.
    • After the formation of the strings and during the intensive collection of fruits, landing is watered 1 time in 2-3 days. The bush takes up to 5 liters of water.
    • In rainy and cold weather, irrigation reduce.
    What to do to gather twice the crop of cucumbers 12773_4
    What to do to gather twice the larger crop of cucumbers

    It is better to use water:

    • rain;
    • estimated;
    • Temperature 25-28 ° C.

    Watering is carried out in the morning or evening.

    Feed the landing several times:

    • After 14 days after transplanting, the seedlings need root feeding. In water (10 l), the ammonium nitrate (20 g) is bred with sulphate potassium (10 g) and superphosphate (10 g). On the bush goes 1 liter.
    • At the beginning of flowering, hydrate is fed, which includes an ammonium nitrate (30 g) with a potash society (20 g) and superphosphate (40 g). The ingredients are dissolved in water (10 l). Under the bush pour 1 l composition.
    • During flowering, a five-day infusion of chicken litter is used (1:20). Under the bush pour 1 liter.
    • During the formation of obscenities, it is worth conducting root feeding with an ash solution (0.5 liters of hydrate per plant). Pouring poles of ash 10 liters boiling water. Tool insist 2 days. Conduct 2 feeders in 10 days.
    • At the moment of fruiting plants need a solution, which includes nitroposk (1 tbsp. L.) And water (10 l).

    As an addition during vegetation, you can use:

    • root feeder with magnesium sulfate;
    • Putting on the leaf boric acid.

    The first procedure is carried out before transfer. It will be necessary to dissolve "bastophit" (20 ml) in 10 liters of water. 100-200 ml was poured into each landing fossa. After 21 days the landing is irrigated by the same composition.

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    What to do to gather twice the larger crop of cucumbers

    During the growing season, bushes are treated from diseases and parasites, if any appeared. Chemicals and folk remedies are used.

    For good growth, they should be taped. The following methods are most popular:

    • horizontal border;
    • vertical border;
    • V-shaped suspension;
    • using the grid;
    • Using taperes.

    To get a rich harvest, adhere to the following rules:
    • Observe the landing scheme. The optimal distance between the bushes is 30-40 cm, at rifles - at least 50 cm.
    • Fill bushes. The greenhouse attracts insect pollinators, spraying the bushes with sweet water. You can spend pollination yourself.
    • Mulch the soil. Mulch keeps moisture, protects against moving, prevents the growth of weeds.
    • Conducted a piece. This allows you to increase the number of female flowers.

    With active fruiting, the cucumbers are collecting at least once every 2 days so that they do not exceed and do not interfere with the formation of new Zelentsov. Collect harvest in the morning or in the evening.

    Using the above methods and tricks, it is possible to increase the yield of cucumbers.

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