With condensed milk to live better than without her. The benefits of condensed milk

With condensed milk to live better than without her. The benefits of condensed milk 12393_1
With condensed milk to live better than without her. The use of condensed milcifier Angeliqu

With condensed milk and live more fun. She loves not only children, but also adults. Do you remember this wonderful delicacy - Cake with condensed milk? Easy cooking, but what delicious. And nuts with condensed milk? You open a nut and first, of course, eat condensed milk, and then cookies.

With condensed milk to live better than without her. The use of condensed milcifier Angeliqu

And you had an explosion in the kitchen? I still need to be able to cook condensed milk so that you do not have to rub the kitchen.

But what kind of sweetness

This is essentially concentrated milk, which is often added sugar. This delicacy can exist both independently and as the ingredient of some kind of dish.

You can also pour pancakes or cheesecakes. Do you know what you need to do so that the cheese is made in lush and beautiful? We have a couple of secrets, we described them in a separate article. If you wish, you can read it. There are very sensible tips. After these secrets, any of your girlfriend will envy such cheese.

With condensed milk to live better than without her. The use of condensed milcifier Angeliqu

For this marvelous dessert, we have to thank the Frenchman A to Agera, who could not consolidate the copyright. And Peter Durant was used by this safely. The latter came up with dessert in tin cans. It began to do from the mid-19 centuries and continue now.

The condensed milk is the folk name of sweetness. The official name is condensed milk.

How to make a classic condensed milk

Quite just - it is evaporated. The classic option contains only two components: milk and sugar. Now the ill-fated E.

Two components are mixed, then the liquid is evaporated and the milk thick.

With condensed milk to live better than without her. The use of condensed milcifier Angeliqu

What the condensed milk is creating in mass production

  1. First you need to prepare milk, or rather clean it and cool it.
  2. Then to beat the composition of milk under the norm of the GOST.
  3. After milk, it expects pasteurization to destroy microorganisms. This happens at about 100 degrees.
  4. Next, the temperature should fall to 75 degrees.
  5. And only now sugar or sugar syrup is added 70%.
  6. The mixture is then placed in a tank, where it is constantly stirred, and it boils.
  7. This is almost a finished product. Next, it is stirred and allowed to cool about 20 degrees.
  8. With condensed milk not yet finished. It is added to lactose.
  9. But now package.
  10. The last stage is cooling again.
These are the manipulations occur with condensed milk at the factories so that we can then make cakes with condensed milk and so on.With condensed milk to live better than without her. The use of condensed milcifier Angeliqu

But we all understand that everything is not so smooth in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, you should not forget that manufacturers are often added to the substance that there should not be there. Such a substance, for example, belongs palm oil. Do not be broken by dyes and preservatives. But we will not bother you. You can flip the product and read the composition on the reverse side. Most often there are quite a lot of different E.

A little more about classical condensed milk

Actually, there are three criteria: fat content, consistency and composition.

Classical condensed milk implies fat content equal to at least 8.5%, milk dry substances - at least 28.5% and protein with a mass fraction of at least 34%.

There is a degreasing option - fat performance up to 1%, dry substances of milk - at least 26% and protein with a mass fraction of at least 34%.

With condensed milk to live better than without her. The use of condensed milcifier Angeliqu

According to the composition, there is also an option. For example,

condensed milk without sugar

. Another name is concentrated milk. Coffee, cocoa or

. About each of these products we wrote earlier. You can read a lot of articles about them. And find out the facts that are not known. For example, you knew that cocoa helps with throat pain.

The consistency is almost the same everywhere. But boiled condensed milk has another consistency. It is more thick and has brown. And the taste caramel, it will not confuse it with anything.

Benefit from condenbies

Usually, different sweets are associated with fast carbohydrates, which means only harm. But it is not. Not all sweet harmful, there are very useful. And we have already collected a whole list of useful sweets. An article with this list can be easily found on the site.

You can enroll this and useful. What is useful sweetness:

  • calcium;
  • fluorine;
  • potassium and magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin C;
  • glucose.

We hope that you liked the article. We tried very hard to tell you about this dessert.

Be healthy!

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