Immortal pony. How to protect yourself from emotional burnout and find a balance between personal life and work


"Nothing is interesting," "I don't care, I'm so tired" How often do you hear such phrases? If such states have become an integral part of your life, look at yourself - these are the first signs of emotional burnout syndrome. We tell why the indifference to all that is happening, who is more susceptible to this and how to return the joy to life.

Signs of emotional burnout

Emotional burnout syndrome (CEV) is a state of emotional exhaustion. Thus, the body reacts to chronic stress and constant fatigue. A person becomes indifferent to what is happening, and his self-esteem and performance fall.

Emotional burnout is easy to confuse with overwork. In the second case, even a short rest will help to quickly recover. To get rid of Sav, a person will need more time and effort to return the joy to life.

- Non-drying, excessive load, lack of support, problems at work or in the family are prerequisites for early emotional burnout, - Nadezhda Bushmelev Nadezhda.

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Immortal pony. How to protect yourself from emotional burnout and find a balance between personal life and work

As hopes explained, emotional burnout has four stages. The first is mobilization, when a person reacts to stress in the spirit "you need to suffer a little bit", "then it will be easier." If the voltage continues to grow, the second stage comes - maintenance: there is a constant desire to relax, change the situation. At this point, the energy saving mode is activated.

When chronic fatigue is replaced by irritation, the stage of nervous exhaustion occurs. At this stage, problems with sleep and communication appear. According to the psychologist, it is at this stage that psychosomatics occurs most often when negative emotions and sensations go into bodily pain.

- The first sign that you are approaching this border is your irritation for any reason. This means that there is no longer enough forces on an adequate response, a sense of humor, psychological flexibility and vital wisdom. Irritation is self-defense, the symptom that you need to change something, "Hope explains.

Emotional deformation begins at the fourth stage. A person completely loses joy and interest in life, cynicism appears and indifference to everything, including to itself. As Nadezhda Bushmeleva clarified, at this stage, self-destruction programs can be launched, for example, depression or alcoholization.

Who is more susceptible to emotional burnout

Often emotional burnout arises in the professional sphere. According to the HR specialist of the media company "Good people" Victoria Bakhtina, it does not come immediately, as it is the result of chronic stress. Diseases begin to join constant fatigue, as health deteriorates. A person more often takes hospital, ceases to see prospects in the profession, and its effectiveness falls.

- First, the employee begins to get tired of what he does. Why can it happen? Perhaps there is a conflict with colleagues or a leader. Maybe the boss puts unclear tasks or lacks resources to fulfill them, "says Victoria.

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Immortal pony. How to protect yourself from emotional burnout and find a balance between personal life and work

Most often, emotional burnout appears in employees who are constantly in contact with people and whose high level of responsibility. These professions include teachers, doctors, psychologists. According to Hope Bushmelev, the SEA also is also subject to novice workers who are not able to effectively distribute their time, and young parents.

- Another risk group is people with high emotional load. For example, actors, directors and screenwriters, leading trainings, teachers, social workers, explains the psychologist.

According to the HR specialist Victoria Bakhtina, the employers began to pay attention to the psycho-emotional state of employees. They are watching every person to get satisfaction at its workplace.

- In a psychologically healthy team, each employee feels its importance for the organization, and colleagues support each other. Most workers are much more important to hear a kind word, thanks from the leader than to get a premium. But, of course, the ideal option, when praise and the word, and the ruble, - notes the HR specialist.

How to return to the state of "stream"

In order not to launch the development of CEV, it is necessary at first signs to start helping yourself. As Nadezhda Bushmelev explained, in the first and second stage, it is enough to establish the relationship "Labor-Leisure" and "Sleep-Cheerness" ratio. At the same time, a person should put on its own goal and start leading a healthy lifestyle: to play sports, take walks, eat right.

- We work for life, and do not live for work. Therefore, you need to observe the balance - do not process and not linger overtime. It is necessary to get enough sleep and fully spend your weekend: play sports, walk. This fills us with new emotional and physical impressions and energy, "adds HR specialist Victoria Bakhtin.

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Immortal pony. How to protect yourself from emotional burnout and find a balance between personal life and work

To avoid emotional burnout among employees, the company arrange various contests, give the title of "best" for the month, publicly praise. It helps to pick up employees and favorably affects the emotional atmosphere in the team.

- We have in the organization [the media company "good people" each month award the best in the department and give them symbolic "stars". General meetings are held, where each department tells about its results and is divided by success. It helps to bring together people, give them a sense of a single team. I like the HR media company, it is nice to see that the management is not careful what is happening with their employees, "Victoria Bakhtina notes.

According to a specialist, when a particular employee has signs of SEV, the manager must first talk to the employee. If the reason for reducing efficiency is related to work, you can adjust the responsibilities of a person, translate it to another position or on vacation or on a business trip.

- During study, decorations change, a person communicates with like-minded people, expands its professional sphere. New impressions are charged with positive emotions, "Victoria said. "It helps to return to the state of" stream "when a person catches an emotional wave and successfully copes with his tasks.

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Immortal pony. How to protect yourself from emotional burnout and find a balance between personal life and work


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