14 Prophecies from "Simpsons", which were destined to happen in real life

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Surely each of us if I did not look at at least one series of the cult animated series "Simpsons", then at least I heard about such characters. This cartoon has become a loved one in several generations of viewers. After all, after all, the first series of "Simpsons" came out on the screens back in 1989, thereby hitting the record in 2018 by the number of episodes, releaseing its 30 anniversary season. To date, the series has 692 episodes. Shots continue to this day, and in September 2020 already released the 32 season.

And no matter how many years have passed, this animated series never lost its relevance and popularity. Simpsons step up with the times not only illuminating the urgent problems of society, but also predicting what happens to humanity to face in the near future. Not in vain, this animated series was crossed by prophetic. After all, many of the scenes began to come true in real life.

And today in the magazine, we will remember 14 prophetic moments from the "Simpsons", which soon embodied in real life

And if you did not notice such prophetic moments in the animated series, now you can make sure of us with us.

1. Ebola virus
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Photo: Nation.com.pk.

In 1997, one of the episodes came out in which Marge read Barta "Curious George and Virus Ebola". And only after many years in February 2014, the Ebola fever epidemic began in Guinea, which lasted until December 2015 and came far beyond the limits of Africa, capturing Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Senegal, USA, Spain and Mali. Maybe this is, of course, just a coincidence, because in 1997 people already knew about the existence of an Ebola virus.

2. Chatting on video link
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

The idea of ​​communication through video links has not yet appeared in many scientific fiction films long before Skype appeared in 2003. In one of the series "Simpsons" there was also a plot where such an advanced technology was presented as communication on video links. So this item can be safely called the prophetic.

3. Smart hours
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

And another technological breakthrough, which was also judged to be embodied in reality, namely the smart watch. And although this idea can not be called a new one at that time, but still unrealized before the release of the series on the screens is certain.

4. Bengt Robert Holmstr
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

In one of the "Simpsons" series, published in 2010, the characters did rates on who will receive the Nobel Prize. And the bet of Milhaus played, though after 6 years. The character put on the victory of Dr. Bengta Robert Holmsstrum, who in 2016 received the prestigious Nobel Prize "for the contribution of the development of contract theory" in the field of economics.

5. World Championship
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

In 2014, a series was released, which said how Germany during the World Cup won the Brazilian national team. Fifa was accused of corruption affairs. And in the summer of the same year, Germany won the victory over Argentina with a score of 1: 0, becoming a world champion.

A year later in May 2015, the Swiss authorities arrested several high-ranking FIFA officials, accusing them in corruption.

The prophetic victory of Germany over Brazil also took place only in the 2014 semi-finals in the framework of the World Cup. With a crushing score 7: 1 Germany won over the Brazilian national team. All came true, as you can see.

6. National Security Agency
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

In 2007, a series came out that the NAM follows people. And 6 years in 2013, the scandal was broken, associated with the statement by Edward Snowden, an American technician and specialist, a former CIA officer and the US National Security Agency. He presented the data that confirms the fact that the JSC really follows all citizens of the country.

7. Debt crisis in Greece
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

In one of the episodes during the news in the running line, the headline "Europe Puts Greece On Ebay" appeared, which means "Europe exhibited Greece on eBay". And June 29, 2015 Greece really made a default, without making the translation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Tranche in the amount of 1.54 billion euros as part of debt repayment.

8. Trump President
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

The creators of "Simpsons" furified not only the victory of Donald Trump in the elections, but in general, the entire election campaign, as well as the visit of Trump as president of the United States in Saudi Arabia.

14 Prophecies from
Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

And although these personnel appeared in the advertisement of the new season "Simpsons", published on the screens after the presidential election of 2017 in the United States, but in the 2000 series, the name of Trump as President of America was mentioned.

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Photo: soutaoboa.com 9. Neumar football player injury
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Photo: Sopitas.com.

In one of the episodes, Homer Simpson acts as a referee in the Football Championship, where El Divo plays the best player of the planet as part of the Brazilian team. When El Divo was injured and fell right on the field, Homer did not appoint him a penalty. After the player, they carried out from the field on the stretcher.

During the World Cup in 2014, a similar situation on the field occurred with a neimar, a famous Brazilian player. Columbian Juan Sunyig hit the nimane's knee in his back, after which the referee did not punish the intruder. Despite the fact that Nymar was broken by the spine, the football player was still able to complete the speech at the World Championships.

10. The Rolling Stones
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Photo: spoki.lv

In one of the episodes for 1995 on the wall in the room hung poster with the words "The Rolling Stones Tour 2010 on wheelchairs". And, it is worth noting, the group still continues its activities, traveling and giving concerts to the world. Although in 2019 the group took a break by canceling the tour due to the health problems of the artist Mika Jagger.

11. Tiger Attack on Roy Horn Trainer
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

In one of the series for 1993, the White Tiger attacks the famous Roya Khorn trainer. After 10 years, this happened in reality. During the speech, Tiger Mankorn attacked Horn, grabbing his neck and dragged behind the scenes. Despite the blood loss and brain injury, Horn still survived.

12. Lady Gaga and her performance on the superbound
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Photo: Soutaoboa.com.

Stars often appear in the Simpsons series. So in one of the episodes there was a shocking lady Gaga, suspended on the cables and speaking at the superbound. And on February 5, 2017, the singer really spoke at the break of the final match of the American National Football League, known as Superbul.

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Photo: Hopop.ru 13. Gemini Towers in New York
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Photo: spoki.lv

In one of the series, in 1997, Bart Simpson bought a magazine, on the cover of which the famous twin towers were depicted, spending only $ 9. After September 11, 2001, the terracotta occurred at the World Trade Center, the intensified life of 2977 people, people saw prophetic motives in this episode.

14. Notre Dame
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Photo: Pokukaj.si.

Fire in the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God began April 15, 2019. And after the incident, a photo of the burning notre lady appeared on the network in the cartoon version of the "Simpsons", which was also perceived as a prophecy, which, unfortunately, came true. In fact, Homer and Marge visited the cathedral in one of the episodes of the 19 season, but as it turned out later, this image is nothing but a fake. Someone just tried the fire at the top of the building.

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Photo: spoki.lv

Have you watched "Simpsons"?

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