Christmas tree patrol in Moscow: how the Christmas trees from illegal cutting

Christmas tree patrol in Moscow: how the Christmas trees from illegal cutting 11821_1

About how Moscow plantations are protected from offenders and the more threatens the damage to the urban trees, RIA Novosti correspondent learned on the raid with the inspectors of the GPBU "Mosprod".

Mode "New Year"

For the preservation of green spaces in the natural reserves of Moscow, inspectors in the field of environmental protection are monitored year-round. However, it is precisely in the pre-New Year period, namely from mid-December, specialists begins the strengthened work hours - the citizens begin to "hunt" on the Christmas tree and do it not only on specially organized bazaars.

"Before the new year, control by the inspection composition" Mospryod ", of course, increases: patrols are spent more often, more technology and people stand out for monitoring forest areas," explains the State Inspector in the field of environmental protection on specially protected natural territories Alexander Kovtun. Directly experts "Mospryod" are responsible for 10 such territories: this, including the monument of nature Silver Bor, Moskvoretsky and Zelenogradsky parks. In parks that do not have the status of specially protected, the responsibility for the preservation of plantings is carried by the balance holders: councils, prefectures.

The responsibility zone of inspectors in Silver Bor is modest in scale will not call - 220 hectares, 150 of which occupies a forest array. For quick and comfortable movement, experts use a special car - the so-called trekol, a huge SUV on wheels. As Kovtun explains, such cars in service "Mospriches" are still three. They were purchased within the framework of the experiment: see how they work in the parks, as far as they are effective, useful. While we use colleagues from Moskvoretsky Park. In general, the technique is very convenient: deep snow walks perfectly, in the case of arrival at the ice - does not drown, and in the summer it allows you to move freely in the sand.

Raid Specialists "Mospryoda" spend several times a day in the morning and in the evening. In the evening patrols, according to the inspector, sometimes attract law enforcement officers - for additional security. In Silver Bor, patrol groups pass all five routes for which coniferous plantings are growing: Christmas trees, pines and fir.

On guard needle

The trackol without much effort overcomes the thick layer of fluffy snow, around in the morning ringing silence of the winter forest, even the birds are not heard. On both sides of the car - splashing paws of pines and firings. Judging by the height of some trees, they grow here for more than a dozen years. We have sections with conifers that grow here independently, and places with specially planted trees. The latter are under special control - the young trees and pines more often fall under the sight of offenders, because they are beautiful and small. At checkpoints, the inspectors leave the warm tracklane salon for visual inspection of plantings and establishing the fact of their damage. Damage, according to the inspector, it is considered not only a completely cut tree, but also a spinal branch, the top of the Christmas tree or pine tree and even cut bark.

"All these factors are considered a violation of environmental legislation. When calculating harm, the tree is always taken into account as far as it is damaged. With visual inspection of plantings, we always pay attention to human trails, especially after heavy snowfall - on broken branches, sawdust, fresh sections. Plus in places of young The landings are being recalculated by trees, "Kovtun lists.

The inspector emphasizes: much cheaper in every sense to buy a festive tree on a Christmas market than a crime law. Thus, the speiled branch or tree is considered an administrative violation under Article 8.39 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for which a cash fine is relied. And if the spinal tree is under the root, and the calculation proves the fact of substantial damage, the criminal article threatens to the violater!

This is not a joke, for causing harm to plantings on a specially protected natural area, you can get a real term - up to two years.

Of course, the inspector admits, it is not always possible to catch intruders with political. The installation of their personality is a separate work to which law enforcement specialists, control, prefectures are involved, visible cameras of video surveillance, then all data are transmitted to the inquiry authorities. It happens so that the unconscious citizen "catch the hand." And sometimes the situation is comic.

"We had somehow case: they found a citizen who was trying to cut the branches of trees - they say, they interfere with the passage of the walking! I had to explain why this should not be done and what kind of trees are closely followed by special employees," recalls with a smile Kovtun.

Conscious approach

At this pre-New Year period, the inspector notes, in Silver Bor, it cost without surprises: all the Christmas trees and other conifers on the territory of the monument of nature remained intact and intact.

"As practice shows, mostly people are harmful to ignorance - they simply do not know that the Christmas trees in the parks are protected. In order for such cases, it is less every year," Mosprirod "is actively engaged in environmental education, and inspectors lead explanatory conversations with visitors, And on the territory of the information shields with a warning, which is a specially protected natural territory, "says Kovtun.

Almost immediately after the New Year, the Mospryod's inspectors will switch to the usual mode of operation - the peak of winter activity of experts takes place simultaneously with a decline of festive excitement.

To the question, it would not be easier to protect the silver boring fence to avoid harm to plantations, Kovtun with a smile shakes his head: "Of course, it is necessary to take care of nature, but it is more important to keep the balance between the preservation of the peace of the world and the interests of people. Silver boron - The park within the city, there are a lot of walking, special trails have been created, the ski access is laid in winter. There was never an idea to disappear all the fence. It is important to increase people's consciousness - including with the help of environmental education. "

(Source: RIA Novosti)

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