Market niches that can "shoot"


Almost 30% of all advanced technologies used in Russia are purchased abroad. In 2011, the share of imports amounted to a little more than 21%. This is stated in the study of the Center for Statistics and Monitoring Innovation HSE.

Market niches that can

The development of its own innovative solutions in the country is developed weakly. Every year, less than one percent of advanced technologies are produced in Russia from the total demand for them (1565 units in 2018). Developments are mainly occupied by financial and economic centers of the country and regions with a diversified economy (including Tatarstan, Tomsk and Novosibirsk region). According to experts, only their share accounts for more than 50% of domestic production solutions. It is clear that it can not continue to continue. The crisis is growing demand for technologies to optimize expenses, improve the performance of companies and the quality of life of people.

Alone directives for growth is not enough

A technological breakthrough due to the creation of scientific and innovative complexes in the country has not yet succeeded. The microclimate of silicone valley, for example, was created by decades, before gave the first gear. This suggests that technology cannot be invented or created by decree or behavior. Such work is always designed for a very long term. In IT and innovation, it is important to see the future at least 5-10-year-old horizons. For example, "cloud" services appeared in 2006, when Amazon presented its web services infrastructure, and the profitable investments in cloud technologies have become relatively recently.

Points of growth

However, progress moves forward and generally quite successfully due to the efforts of technological startups. Digital twins of enterprises, Internet of things, drones, scaling 5G - this and many other technologies are now created by a new efficient environment for business and life.

Air purification systems

Against the background of the epidemic, the demand for cleaning techniques and humidification techniques, as well as various devices that allow at home, in the office, to carry out the disinfection of the premises at the production. If you often support, you are allergic, asthma, seasonal rhinitis or live in a big city, you know how important solutions are important. Having lived a couple of days with the air cleaner, return to the "world of dust" you will definitely do not want. We have dear products. Analogues in quality in the Russian market are not found. Cheaper can get the purchase of air purifying equipment in Europe. And still there is demand, for Russia we even extend the range. New equipment on the domestic market comes with the "Smart Home" function.

The high demand for air purification systems will stimulate the inflow of investment in the market and the emergence of Russian competitive decisions. "Smart" products for cleansing air and surfaces that ensure safety, to protect against viruses and bacteria, they will all be in demand for themselves and after a pandemic.

Health gadgets

A whole reservoir of new developments in the field of remote monitoring of patients, as well as for assessing and monitoring sports achievements, has managed to be formed in the pandemic. Among them are various wearable devices, devices and applications. The basis of most of these modern devices is the Internet solutions. According to IDC, a segment of smart wearable devices will reach $ 222 million by 2021, and the annual market growth rates - on average 18.4%.

We see how in other countries, technological companies are rebuilt to solve health problems, new startups with products at the junction of technologies and medicine appear. SMARTHEALTH segment for such companies promises to become a development driver for the coming years.

Digital Cities and Communal Services Sphere

In 2019, Minstroy approved the standards of "smart cities". They must appear for five years in all settlements with a population of more than 100 thousand people.

The crisis froze most projects related to the introduction of IoT in residential buildings, commercial buildings, schools and hospitals. At the same time, the symbiosis of the smart home and the city, united in a seamless ecosystem, promises to significantly improve the quality of life in the cities. As the situation stabilized in the economy, interest in all technologies will be resumed to achieve this goal: video surveillance systems, intelligent street lighting, immediate response buttons to emergency situations and many others.

A breakthrough in this area is associated with predictive analytics. When sensor data will signal a possible problem, and it will be eliminated before. It is no coincidence that the "smart housing and communal services" became the core of a digital smart city.

Investors are actively looking for alternative attachment objects, the attractiveness of the technological segment is noticeably growing. After all, innovations are able to effectively cope with such relevant tasks as cost optimization and even remote care of the house and their loved ones.

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