There they rest: what monuments look at the graves of Russian celebrities (20 photos)


There is such a saying that a person lives as much as he remembers him after death. And this is especially important for celebrities - they want the longer to stay in the memory of their fans. One way to not give yourself to forget is to be buried on an elite cemetery, preferably on the central airs, so that the monument stood dear and prestigious.

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Many stars are worried about it still in life - who are them, descendants, knows that they will get to put on the grave. Therefore, the projects are ordered in advance, and the work of sculptors pay or reserve money. For example, it became known that Primadonna Alla Pugacheva seriously took up the construction of a crypt where it should be buried after death. And Philip Kirkorov suggested Basque and steep "to lie on the eternal peace" as next to the fans to run on the cemetery in search of their graves.

And in this selection - the photo of the graves of famous artists and musicians who have already completed their life path. We do not show the graves of those who left in recent years - there are only cross and flowers there. But monuments of previously left very interesting.

Arkady Rikin

The famous humorist and actor is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. At a low granite pedestal installed a bronze figure of a man in his favorite pose.

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The grave of Arkady Rykin. Photo from open access

Vyacheslav Tikhonov

Favorite Actor Million died in 2009 and also rests at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Monument, the authorship of the sculptor Alexei Blagovests, was established in 2013. The sculptural composition is made in biblical theme. In the center of the bronze figure of Vyacheslav Tikhonov in the scout of the Stirlitz scout in full growth.

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Vyacheslav Tikhonov's grave. Photo from open access

Sonka the Goldhand

There is a very unusual monument on the Vagankov cemetery, although the grave is empty under it. Her mistress died at the Katorga and where he was buried - unknown. But after her, the thieves in the law bought the plot and the monument to Sophie Bliststein was ordered in Milan. Sculpture does not have heads and hands - why it is also unknown. And what do palm branches mean too. She, of course, is not a star, but its popularity and in a hundred years can be fores. A constant pilgrimage to the grave is some asks Fanta, other money, young girls are a rich groom. Wishes are written on the monument itself or throw in a special basket. A few years ago, someone overnight painted the statue of gold paint.

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Monument Sonya Golden handle. Photo from open access

Dmitry Khvorostovsky

The dust of a brilliant singer, who so unexpectedly burned out of cancer in 56 years, was buried in two places - at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow, and in Krasnoyarsk - in the Square of the Institute of Arts. So you watched the maestro myself. The author of the Bronze Figure - Sculptor Vladimir Usov.

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Monument to Dmitry Khvorostovsky. Photo from open access

Ilya Oleynikov

Famous actor is buried at the Kazan cemetery in Pushkin. His monument is a sitting sculpture of the deceased surrounded by a Greek column. These families wanted to show that in the life of Ilya Lvovich was a simple and good man, but did not think of himself without art.

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The grave of Ilya Oleinikova. Photo from open access

Igor Talkov

The monument on the grave of the musician killed in 1991 represents "Calp" from black granite with a large bronze Orthodox cross. The name, years of life and epitaph are engraved on the abnormal font, the row of Talkov's song is carved on the back of the opposite side: "and defeated in battle, I will resurrect and sleep."

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Grave Igor Talkov. Photo from open access

Love Polishchuk

The famous actress, who deceased from cancer, is buried on the Troyekovsky cemetery. The monument is a gravestone crystal portrait on a granite column and three small reliefs. The bust is made of Bohemian Crystal, weighs 132 kg, made it in the Czech Republic.

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Vladislav Galkin

A strange death in 2010 of a well-known actor at 38 years old does not yet give rest to his fans. He was buried by an artist at the Troochorovsky cemetery. On the grave there are two sculptures: the actor with the theater mask in his hand and his hero Geklberry Finn from the film about the adventures of Tom Sawyer.

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Grave of Vladislav Galkina. Photo from open access

Yury Nikulin

The monument on the grave of the most famous clown and comedy actor at the Novodevichy cemetery is a sculpture of bronze at a low stone pedestal. He sits with a cigarette in his hands and thought about something.

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Monument to Yuri Nikulina. Photo from open access

Zhanna Friske

The singer's deceased from the brain glyblastoma is buried at the Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery. A memorable tombstone and a bronze sculpture, which causes the rejection of her fans to the grave. They do not like literally everything: a figure in a vulgar pose, a face absolutely not similar to Jeanne. One of the fans in the comments wrote: This is some kind of strange yakka, and not our Jeanne. Nevertheless, people constantly crowd there - heard a rumor that the monument is miraculous and who will bring a gift - he will find his happiness.

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Grave Zhanna Friske. Photo from open access

Mikhail Zadornov

The writer and humorist is buried in Jurmala, on the Cemetery of Yaundubults, next to his father. The idea of ​​such a monument from two types of granite belongs to the sister Mikhail Nikolayevich Lyudmila. And, by the way, they paid all expenses - both on the funeral, and on the monument two admirers of the creativity of Zadornov, who wanted to remain unknown.

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Mikhail Zadornov's grave and his father. Photo from open access

Joseph Kobzon

The singer, who was treated for many years from Oncology, worried himself in advance about the place in the Vostryakovsky cemetery, where the most high-ranking Jews of Russia bury. It is in a peak to many rumors that he and some other Russian Jews bought a place on the Jerusalem Mountain. Maybe they bought, but they preferred in their native land. Today, the monument to Kobzon is recognized as the most expensive of the tombstones of creative people. Only politicians are more expensive (and Kobzon was a deputy of the State Duma), or thieves in law.

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The grave of Joseph Kobzon. Photo from open access

Vladimir Voroshilov

Theatrical director, founder of the program "What? Where? When?" Vladimir Kalmanovich (this is his real surname) is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow. There is a monument - a cube of black polished granite. And by the way, the relatives of Vladimir Yakovlevich are very offended that he did not want his surname to put on the monument, but his will fulfilled his will.

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The grave of Vladimir Voroshilov. Photo from open access

Mark Zakharov and George Dansel

There are no monuments on the graves of two outstanding directories. Whether relatives are not before that ... it is not clear

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Graves Zakharov and Deltera. Photo from open access

Andrei Krasko

The actor died right during the filming of the series "Liquidation" in 2006 in Odessa. He was 49 years old, buried at the Komarovsky cemetery (St. Petersburg). His 90-year-old father Ivan Krasko at the beginning of 2021 in the sixth time became the Father.

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The grave of Andrei Krasko. Photo from open access

Alexander Abdulov

Amazing and very talented Alexander Abdulov died suddenly for everyone. Suddenly, he was diagnosed with lung cancer in the 4th stage with multiple metastases. After two months it did not become - treatment in Israel did not give the result and Alexander rushed to the folk remedies. There was no help either, but one of the Altai healers advised to hug a huge stone, which allegedly has special qualities. Only Abdulov could no longer come to this stone. But the native brought him to the grave of the actor. But the millionth army of fans is very indignant by this monument:

Did you bother with a bump so as not to get out of the grave? Some kind of cement with steps the biggest monument really deserved it?!
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Monument to Alexander Abdulov. Photo from open access

Lyudmila Gurchenko

The Great Actress is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. A whole year, summer and winter, there are live flowers there. The monument is made in two colors: two thirds are made of white marble, and its right-hand side is from black granite. Of the white marble, the image of the young Lyudmila Gurchenko is almost full of growth.

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Lyudmila Gurchenko's grave. Photo from open access

Anna Samokhina

The actress's unique in appearance and the actress talent died in 2010 from climbing cancer. She is buried at the Smolensk cemetery of St. Petersburg. Anna asked not to put a monument to her, but this will still violated this will. The daughter of the actress decided to make a memorial for the late mother in the form of films from stone and a two-meter monument. Now every year on January 14, on the birthday of the actress, the same frightening phenomenon is observed - the permeaters are completely covered with ice crust, regardless of the weather.

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The grave of Anna Selfie. Photo Instagram.

Mikhail Evdokimov

The actor beloved in the people, who became a politician, officially died in an accident, but all confident that it was a targeted murder - a very popular governor became among the people, but unclean on the hand of officials pressed specifically. Evdokimova buried in the village of the top-Obskoy Smolensk district of the Altai Territory, as he wanted, the granite stone with the bas-relief of the work of Orenburg masters is installed on the grave.

There they rest: what monuments look at the graves of Russian celebrities (20 photos) 11740_20
Mikhail Evdokimova's grave. Photo from open access

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