Business will receive new preferential loans under 3%


Business will receive new preferential loans under 3% 117_1
Pixabay.Computer Minister Mikhail Mishoustin at a meeting with representatives of the Federation Council spoke about a new program of preferential lending to business. On the eve of her launch approved President Vladimir Putin.

The new program will be the "heiress" of that, within the framework of which business from the affected industries during the crisis, loans received loans under 2% per annum with the possibility of not returning them. However, the new program will have a number of cardinal differences.

First, the audience will change. "The program will be made from micro and small to large enterprises from the least recoverable industries, which today have not yet fully returned to the pre-crisis level," Mikhail Mishustine said. Thus, not only small and medium, but also a large business will be allowed to preferential loans. In addition, a circle of industries will be revised, in which the borrower should work, as the "least restored" prime minister mentioned the publicity, tourism business, culture, sports, entertainment, organizational services "and others". It is unclear whether new preferential loans will be provided to any companies outside the list of affected industries - loans under 2%, we recall, also issued any socially oriented NPOs and in branches from the additional, particularly applied list.

Secondly, the rate on preferential loans will increase from 2% to 3% per annum. "This is a slight increase, considering that the economy is gradually restored," Mikhail Mishustine said.

Thirdly, if the loans under 2% could not be returned at all, subject to the condition of the staff of the staff, the new program does not provide any subsidies from the state. However, the borrowers will not pay for the loan not immediately: on the first half of the year they will be released from payments as debt itself and percent. Will the interest on debt be accrued at this time, it is unclear. Judging by the fact that Mikhail Mishoustin called the "Annual" program, and spoke of payments to equal shares "in the second half of the year", the loan period will be equal to one year.

It is also unclear when the program will be launched, and how much it will last. Since it is clearly largely focused on those who have already been leaving for 2% and fell under subsidies, it can be expected that new preferential loans will begin to issue after the repayment of the old state, and this will take place not earlier than April 1.

"Calculate that about 75 thousand entrepreneurs will be able to use potentially, in which there are about one and a half million people," Mikhail Mishatine predicts.

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