Violations in the payment of stimulating cowid-prebavok, doctors revealed in the Ivanovo region

Violations in the payment of stimulating cowid-prebavok, doctors revealed in the Ivanovo region 1130_1

Coronavirus goes to the decline. And the topic with payments to doctors from the "Red Zone" of the allowances for special working conditions and additional loads are not yet closed.

"Ivanovo news" found out how many violations were here and why they had a place to be. We sent a request to the profile department, which revealed the facts of violations. That's what kind of picture it turned out.

The State Labor Inspectorate in the Ivanovo Region on behalf of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2020 conducted unscheduled visits of medical institutions. Employees of the department conducted inspections in terms of compliance with the labor rights of medical workers working in a new coronavirus infection related to pay for labor.

Checked 36 medical facilities subordinate to the Health Department of the Ivanovo Region, 2 private medical institutions, 1 Federal Medical Institution, 1 Establishment of the subordinate Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and 1 institution, subordinated by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Of the total number of proven entities of violations associated with violation of the terms of payment of cash, as well as non-payment of stimulating payments, were established in 17 institutions.

According to the results of the instructions issued by the Goverd submission, wages are paid (stimulating payments for work in the context of a new coronavirus infection) 284 employees totaling 1,656,050 rubles.

As reported by Ivanovo news in the department, during the inspections conducted revealed

  • Violations of holiday payments,
  • Lack of coordination of local regulatory acts related to payment of funds for the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 415, 484 with the Department of Health of the Ivanovo Region, the trade union body of workers,
  • lack of a laboring system
  • Familiarization of workers with these local acts,
  • Included in the average earnings of the sums of stimulating payments by government decree No. 415, 484.

The causes of the violations in some cases were, firstly, untimely admission to the establishment of funds of the federal budget, and, secondly, improper decoration by the employer of documents.

According to the results of the inspections, 88 violations of the requirements of labor legislation revealed.

88 decisions were made to attract administrative responsibility, totaling 408,000 rubles.

During the inspections, a number of problems related to the formation of personnel composition of medical institutions have revealed. So, some of the medical staff working in the "Red Zone" worked without days a week (part-time worked).

The facts of the absence of a sufficient number of ambulance brigades revealed. And in a number of health facilities were not able to allocate specialized brigades, which would have assisted only in patients with a new coronavirus infection or suspicion of it.

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