The laws of April will affect the pockets of many Russians: what you need to know first?

The laws of April will affect the pockets of many Russians: what you need to know first? 11186_1

April will be a generous month for innovations. collected all the upcoming changes that will affect Russian wallet.

The government will increase social pensions

In Russia, the amount of social pensions and pensions of federal benefits is indexed annually. Social old-age pensions receive persons who have not received the right to the insurance pension due to insufficient experience and the number of points. Such pensions also pay as a state of health or loss of the breadwinner. If a social pension is less than the subsistence minimum pensioner in the subject of residence, then its size will increase to the regional norm.

The number of federal beneficiaries, which in April will increase their pension, are veterans of the Second World War, residents of a blockade Leningrad, liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, astronauts, test pilots, the former military who were injured when performing a task.

Social pension is indexed by 3.4%. The increased pension is required by approximately 3.9 million fellow citizens who receive a social retirement or pension for state support. The average social pension in April will be 10,183 rubles.

The laws of April will affect the pockets of many Russians: what you need to know first? 11186_2

Changes the size of payments for children from three to seven years

Payments for a child from three to seven years from a low-income family are now defined by a special three-level system. As a basis for calculating and destination payments, the regional living hours of the child takes.

Until the first April, the standard amount of payments is half of the children's subsistence minimum. From April, a new amount of payments is possible, which depends on the material status of the family. If the amount does not allow to ensure in the family income on a person equal to the subsistence minimum of the worker population, the amount of payments will increase by 50%, 75% or 100% of the children's minimum for each kid in the family.

In addition to the application, no documents from the family are required. All data of social service workers will prepare independently within the framework of interdepartmental interaction. The application for payments is accepted from April 1 to December 31 of this year. The manual will be prescribed with the first quarter. If the child was fulfilled from the first of January, then the benefit will be appointed from the day of birth. Families that have already received benefits may apply for recalculation of the amount of payments. If social protection authorities decide to increase material assistance, the family will also receive the amount of the first quarter after recalculation. The application for the manual can be submitted through the portal of the State Service, MFC or the organs of social protection.

Now, in addition to family incomes, when appointing benefits will be taken into account the level of its property collateral: revenues from real estate, transport, account state of the bank. Thus, the payments will receive exactly the needy families, but the "suspiciously poor" families can deprive benefits in principle if they find hidden sources of income.

The laws of April will affect the pockets of many Russians: what you need to know first? 11186_3

Housing subsidies will limit in time

Since April, subsidies for housing and utilities will be provided for half a year. To extend benefits, you will need to re-submit an application. Thus, the government renews the old procedure for granting subsidies, which acted before the coronavirus pandemic.

Not all pawnshops will be able to issue loans

From the tenth of April, some pawnshops will lose their rights to issuing consumer loans. In addition, now Lombards will not be able to extend the term of the fulfillment of contractual obligations, on the issued loan. The restrictions were the pawnshops, which were included in the registry until the tenth of January of this year. To relieve restrictions, they need to re-pass the registration procedure.

The laws of April will affect the pockets of many Russians: what you need to know first? 11186_4

Tourist Kesbek is extended

Earlier, the state allocated about two billion rubles for cachex for vacationers in domestic resorts. Under the terms of the program, tourists can return to 20% of the cost of the tour. Kesbek size is limited to 20 thousand rubles. An important condition is that the tour must be paid from the Mir payment system card. Keshbak lists automatically within five days after payment of the tour. So far, tours purchased before June of this year participate in the Kesbek program.

The laws of April will affect the pockets of many Russians: what you need to know first? 11186_5

Installed a single minimum price for cigarettes

A single minimum price for packing cigarettes will now be calculated in a new way. The cost of packs of cigarettes is calculated by the Ministry of Agriculture based on the minimum rates for excise on cigarettes. The calculation formula also includes an additional cost tax rate and an increase in the coefficient. Thus, the united minimum price for cigarettes this year will be 107.7 rubles, and in 2022 - 111.9 rubles.

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