Until May 1, documents are accepted for accreditation as a social entrepreneur


In 2021, in the Vladimir region, each of the social entrepreneurs can receive grant support in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles.

Until May 1, documents are accepted for accreditation as a social entrepreneur 11095_1

The administration of the Vladimir region invites entrepreneurs providing services to socially vulnerable segments of the population or producing products for them, to accredit as a social entrepreneur.

The concept of "social entrepreneur" is enshrined in the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation". The law determines that "social entrepreneurship" is an activity aimed at achieving socially useful goals and contribute to the solution of social problems of citizens and society.

Social entrepreneurs who have gained special status receive benefits provided for for this category of business representatives. The procedure for assigning the status of the "social entrepreneur" is described in the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2019 No. 773.

How to make the company recognize the social? In accordance with the Federal Law No. 209-FZ, several points must be observed:

- to be registered as an IP or LLC;

- to have income for the previous calendar year;

- to conduct activities under Article 24.1 of the Federal Law;

- The company must help in need of population groups to solve the social problem.

Documents on the recognition of the company "Social" until May 1, 2021 are accepted at the "My Business" center or in the administration of the municipality in the following categories:

1. Employment of socially vulnerable categories of the population;

2. Implementation of products of socially vulnerable categories of the population;

3. Production of goods (services) for socially vulnerable categories of the population;

4. Activities aimed at achieving socially useful goals and contribute to the solution of social problems of society.


Tel: 8 (4922) 77-76-20, VN. 121 Greek Daria Sergeevna. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

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