Black Lives Matter movement moved to the Nobel Peace Prize

Black Lives Matter movement moved to the Nobel Peace Prize 10873_1
Photo: Associated Press © 2021, Rich Pedroncelli

Norway proposes to hand the Nobel Peace Prize to the Black Lives Matter.

The initiative to push the Black Lives Matter movement as a candidate for the Nobelovoki of the Peace Prize belongs to a deputy from the Socialist Left Party of Norway Petter Eid. Parliamentarian is confident that the protest movement "has become an important part of the global struggle against racial discrimination" and could attract increased attention to this topic all over the world.

Not forgetting that many performances of the BLACK LIVES MATTER supporters in the United States and other countries are accompanied by riots and pogroms, Eida argues that most of these shares still carried a peaceful character.

Petter Eida, the Norwegian deputy: "Incidents certainly took place, however, most of them were provoked by the actions of the police or ideological opponents of protesters."

Other parliamentarians in Norway were previously advanced to the World Award Organization "Reporters Without Borders", Hong Kong news site Hongkong Free Press, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), a former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, as well as a hockey league of the Barents Region.

The nomination of candidates for the Nobel Prize this year by tradition is completed on January 31. The names of the owners of Nobel Prizes will be announced in October. Candidates can nominate members of national parliaments, heads and members of the governments of sovereign states, the former and existing members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, winners of the Peace Prize of the past years and authoritative experts.

Black Lives Matter movement moved to the Nobel Peace Prize 10873_2
In the US, the demolition of the monument to the liberator from slavery Lincoln

Recall, last year, a wave of protests, combined by Black Lives Matter (BLM), rolled the USA. The occasion for speeches was the death of a 46-year-old African American George Floyd African American, who died after the rude detention by police officers. Demonstrators in different cities went to the streets demanding to stop the police arbitration. Often reached the pogroms and robberies. Blm representatives launched a real war against monuments to historical figures they consider racists.

Based on the materials: TASS, RIA Novosti.

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