20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull


You can be an excellent interlocutor, to deal with many questions and own a foreign language at the carrier level, however, during a conversation with local residents, they still catch oblique views on themselves. There may be an absolutely innocent subject of discussion, which you mistakenly affected not in that company.

In order not to get into an awkward situation, Adme.ru went on a trip to the Internet and found out what best it is to categorically avoid in a conversation with foreigners.

About stereotypes

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_1
© Monsieur_Raddar / Pixabay

  • Do not ask why we all do not wear kilts. We usually wear them only at weddings / official events or games in Scotland. © Psyprus_sun / Reddit
  • "What is it like to live in the country of the Third World?" "My computer stopped working. I'm sure you can fix it, right? " (India.) © aakshaj / reddit
  • "HOLA" or "Gracias" in Portugal. If you yourself from Spain arrived in Portugal and speak Spanish, then we are not against. We are simply annoying when foreigners think that we are Spaniards or speak Spanish. © Xabregas2003 / Reddit

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_2
© Devanath / Pixabay

  • I am from India. The only thing foreigners always speak at the first visit to my country is "how do you eat hands?" Or "How do you go to the toilet without toilet paper?". © SHAZZYLLG / REDDIT
  • Great Britain. You do not need to ask us, whether we know the queen. © bobboy5 / reddit

On national features

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_3
© Markus Spiske / Pexels

  • "And what do you think about brexite?" (United Kingdom.) © Lord_Tanna_of_TUVA / REDDIT
  • "That is, you guys, the Chinese?" NOT! (Taiwan.) © pepehands217 / reddit
  • "Swedes are the best!" (Finland.) © TableForkThethird / Reddit
  • "Welsh is mostly just the British," "This is the principality, not a country", etc. "Your language does not make sense, and develop it - a waste of money, everyone is talking in English." © Daeneryus / Reddit

Disputes about tastes

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_4
© Stylishskunk / Reddit

  • "This Putin (National Quebec dish. - approx. Adme.ru) is terrible to taste." (Canada.) © Lotusalchemist / Reddit
  • Do not talk about what you do not like Tako, in Norway. Yes, in Norway, the strange obsession with Taco, and we even have separate shelves with this product in the store. © Daisybih / Reddit
  • "Why do you add milk to tea? This is disgusting! " (United Kingdom.) © unknown / Reddit
  • "Can you convey other syrup? Not maple. " (Canada.) © ApparatusCriticus / Reddit
  • Listen, no one else prepares pizza better than we have in Italy. So let's not tell where you tried "such wonderful pizza." © REDKIKIVI / REDDIT
  • For any insult to Spanish cuisine we will send you to prison. We really like the Mediterranean diet. © Salmon-Warrior / Reddit

Questions about work and money

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_5
© Emily in Paris / Netflix

  • Do not say that the work of the waiter is for students or a person without education. In France, this is a respected profession, which employs enough adults. And yes, the waiter can earn 2 times more than an office clerk. © REDKIKIVI / REDDIT
  • You know, one Swiss proverb sounds like this: "We are not talking about money, we do them." © Thieliver / Reddit
  • The salary! In Belgium (as a whole), it is very impolite to ask man how much he earns. Even my parents do not tell me that. © ScatterHead23 / Reddit

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_6
© shutterstock.

Criticism of national hobbies

20+ to the conversation that act on residents of other countries as a red rag on the bull 10700_7
© 489327 / Pixabay

  • Let's leave stereotypes aside, but if someone says: "I hate carnival / sambo / football", then people will look at you somehow strange. (Brazil.) © Flamengo123456789 / Reddit
  • Be a sauna. Such people should be left behind the door! (Finland.) © BYPES / REDDIT
  • "I'm not a cricket fan." (Australia.) © Harshagarwal97 / Reddit
  • Do not dare to say that French cuisine is not the best in the world. © FRENCHVIGOU / REDDIT

What do you think, what topics and questions are better not to raise in a unconscious company?

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