Good mood

Good mood 1044_1

Divine Miracle, the world in which the wind and trees found out the relationship, the world in which there is no man ...

Alexander the Macedonian street and Marathon Avenue cleared on the second or on the third day of the cataclysm, and no one came to us on the top of the mountain.

Mr. Jason went to the balcony in his unchanging cotton bathrobe and a hat, clinging to the ear phone with a terry towel. At first he was silent for a long time, then he began to say something quickly and warmly, and finally, I was staring, inspiring the snow lying in front of him:

"You are the worst dimarhos not only in Greece." You are the worst dimarhos in the world!

Mr. Athanasius was not so acutely civilized, rather peaceful philosophically. Told the neighbor Vaso, as he spent these days.

- Zheg candle, felted fireplace. Grilled on the coal of the lamb, put the snow to dry, so that it was in the morning to wash and on coffee. Appetite was excellent. Elook well! Instead of the TV looked for a month. To think only, I lived a third of life. All childhood and a piece of youth. I did not think that I would have to remember. Not the worst third ...

Pines were the brittle, or rather, no, not so, - olendra, almond trees and olives, too, broke, but not so effectively. Showed and quietly fell asleep under the snow. Pine after the fall looked more grand more than in life, the broken trunks seemed to increase, and the branches falling on Earth seemed longer and more. The height did not defend them, on the contrary, made vulnerable. And even having fallen on the ground, pines continued to live, she saw her flexible fingers. Divine Miracle, the world in which the wind and trees found out the relationship, the world in which there is no person.


Marinos, from whom I buy wine and cheese, opened my shop.

- They say, did you have snow here? - joked, entering, Mr. Mikhalis, his other permanent buyer.

- No! - Bodro reported Marinos. - Snow promise tomorrow ...

"Listen," asked Mikhalis, - what cheese is suitable for Macaronam: Kefalogravier or Tefalotiri?

- Both. But I prefer Kefalotiri.

- Because he is piquant?

- Sure! I love the taste to be heard .... And then, - continued Marinos, sighing, - I go to take tests, and there, too, I heard something ...

- What is heard?

- What I can not be acute ...


Agora is immortal. Despite the fact that the roads in Agios Stefanos are still somewhat in order to be littered with snow, the market worked. Not all came, but proof, nectarians and Manolh were. I thought everyone would discuss a snow hurricane and lack of electricity, but the main news was from another opera.

- Anchovy will be released on March first, "the proof was excitedly informed. - We all wait here!


Mrs. Io bought potatoes from the apostle.

- Where is she from? - asked demanding as a professor on the exam.

- From Achei. - replied the apostle, filling the package by thinkry light tubers.

Thank God, the answer turned out to be true.

- BUT! I know. There was a war. - Io responded with a more favorable voice.

- How do you know about war?

- From ancient history!

- What are you read, Mrs. Io! - admired the apostle.


Spouses Pavlos and Lydia stopped to talk to the nectar.

- And although my wife hears me, "Nectaria told me Pavlos," but I confess - we had 10 degrees in our bedroom!

- Minus 10? - horrified nectaries.

- Immediately you can see that you are bachelor, a friend of nectaries! - laughed Pavlos and glanced on Lydia.

- B - 10 I would die. And, you know, not from the cold.


In debates about the situation, the proof was unexpectedly occupied a provistent position, so not combined with its ordinary libertarianism.

- Asphalt is not cleaned, do not park the van! - I complained manolh.

- Who does not like Agora, let him sit at home. - interrupted his proof.

- You have no light since Sunday! - surprised him sudden loyalty Aristotle Peppas. - You did not leave the house for four days. Moldy. Big catastrophe! How do you generally cope?

- I like it more! - stood on his proof.

"It's not unusual to see you in opposition," I noticed, picking up my Maridka.

"Yes, I'm not for power," proof was offended. - I am for a good mood! And what to difficulties ... Life is like a fish. Than bony, the fastest.


I moved away from the counters and stopped to write a message.

- Do you take pictures? - Suddenly someone asked me in Russian.

I turned around. Market securities talking to me, the Pontic girl of indefinite years. Nearby stood her girlfriend with hair, whipped in black Kok, the saleswoman of sweet peppers and tomatoes.

"I am writing a message," I said. - What?

- And the fact that here is the bazaar. And the bazaar according to the law is forbidden to photograph!

- What is the law? I asked.

From my question, the girl was taken away from my question.

- Do you want me to bring the law here? - she was indignant and even showed his hands, what, they say, the law is inexperination and how it is uncomfortable to carry here.

- Do not carry, just name.

Secondly faded again.

"But for this I need your personal data," she said, thinking. - Without them, I can't call you a law.

Our joke became all meaningless. Meanwhile, the curious long profiles began to be gathered around us and wondering what's the matter.

- Leave them! - I waved my hands a multiple girlfriend a securiti girl who distinguishes outsiders. And reverently added:

- They speak their tongue!


At the "conference" criticism intensified. They scolded not only dimarhos, but they climbed into someone higher and devoted.

- Inorganizedness, twenty-first century in the yard, and we ...! - twisted chainsaw, cutting pine branches, nectaries and manolis. - Oslism without borders. Here it is, modern Greece!

Prokokiy, in the days of imprisonment, the fertile power of the heavenly month, wine, fire and lamb, stubbornly silent. Then still could not stand, jumped up and with dignity stated:

- Modernity, modernity ... so what! But we retained our antiquity!

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