Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: volume, regularity and term


    Good afternoon, my reader. Tomatoes are well suited for cultivation in the greenhouse. One of the main points affecting the size of the harvest, the formation of fruits and health of the plant, is the correct planting of tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.

    Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: volume, regularity and term 10350_1
    Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: the volume, regularity and term of Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The basis of the care of plants includes: soil moisturizing, ventilation of the greenhouse structure and pollination. Tomatoes are not harmonious cultures: the first polyvka should be carried out about two weeks after landing. When moisturizing the soil, strict balance must be observed: for tomatoes, both excess of humidity and its disadvantage are harmful. Before the start of flowering on one bush, it is necessary to use about 4 liters of liquid. During the flowering period, increase watering up to 12 liters. Irrigation carry out warm water in an amount of 2 times in 7 days.

    The ventilation has a positive effect on the state of cultures. Therefore, to ensure permanent circulation of air, make small opening windows in the greenhouse. The optimal temperature for the cultivation of tomato plants is considered to be about +23 ° C during the daytime and approximately +20 ° C at night. When flowering and fruiting plants, the air temperature must be 2-3 degrees above.

    Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: volume, regularity and term 10350_2
    Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: the volume, regularity and term of Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    It is best to use an automatic drip method. Such a ready-made device can be bought or assembled from purchased items yourself.

    Features of drip irrigation:

    • the arrival of moisture right under the root;
    • There is no increase in the humidity in the greenhouse;
    • Creates protection against fluid from entering foliage, flowers and stems;
    • Irrigation can be carried out at any time;
    • does not plant the soil.

    With the help of a drip method, you will be able to feed the organica. For such a device, electricity is needed. With this installation, water saves, the proper distribution of the fluid occurs.

    Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: volume, regularity and term 10350_3
    Proper planting of tomatoes in the greenhouse: the volume, regularity and term of Maria Verbilkova

    Tomatoes. (Photo used by standard license ©

    The main advantage of the drip installation is no need to use physical strength at plants watering.

    When watering the hose it is required to constantly move and independently adjust the pressure of the fluid. In addition, carefully observe the movement of the hose to accidentally damage the bushes. Watering necessarily carry out in the morning or evening.

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