VTB: In 2021, each third bid for car loan will be issued online

VTB: In 2021, each third bid for car loan will be issued online 10256_1

VTB has expanded the car online purchases on credit for all bank customers. Registration of applications in VTB online is now available for iOS users. The technology has already allowed 15% to increase the share of online applications for car loans, increasing the monthly number of the questionnaires in VTB online to 4 thousand. By the end of the year, each third application for car loan will be issued online.

The new opportunity has become available in VTB online in mid-January users of the Android system - VTB introduced it one of the first on the market. In just a month, the clients were sent over 4,000 applications for car loan, after scaling to iOS, their monthly number exceeds 7 thousand. As a result of the new channel, the average of the questionnaire was reduced by 2.5 times - from 17 to 7 minutes. The decision on issuing the borrower receives in a few minutes and completely remotely.

For the first month of work with the most demanded brands of cars at the request of steel Kia, Toyota, Lada, Hyundai, Skoda. The largest number of requests for the purchase of a car on credit is issued by borrowers from Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as St. Petersburg.

"VTB is concentrated on the digitalization of business processes and translating car loans to online. An important stage was the opportunity to quickly place an application for credit through a mobile application. This not only simplifies the process for the client, but also affects the bid - for such borrowers we reduce it on 1 pp. We expect that with the launch of an additional channel, the total share of online applications in car loans will grow more than 2 times, up to 30% by the end of the year. At the same time, in the first half of the year we put a goal to completely translate the purchase of a car at the expense of a loan online. I am confident that the market prospects are the design of car loans through smartphones, "said Ivan Zhigarev, Head of the Car loan department of VTB.

A new application form for car loan applications is available to all customers in VTB online. When making an application, you must specify the brand and the model of the vehicle, its value, the size of the initial contribution, the amount and period of the loan, after which it will be possible to consent to data processing. When approving a loan, a bank office or a partner car dealership will be required once to sign documents.

You can buy your car on credit or book your favor before such a purchase on VTB website: the bank offers its own showcase of vehicles, which includes 19 brands of new cars, as well as cars with mileage. Currently, the site presents a wide selection of TS, which can be purchased from partners of the bank.

VTB is one of the leaders in the car loan segment. As a result of 2020, the Bank issued more than 90 thousand loans by more than 80 billion rubles. VTB car loan portfolio at the beginning of 2021 exceeded 115 billion rubles. According to the results of January 2021, sales of car loans by 30% in terms of quantity and 60% by volume exceeded the results of the first month of 2020 - the bank issued 7.3 thousand car loans in the amount of more than 7 billion rubles.

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