"Mom, dad loves me, what do you think?": Father's story, who could not love the adoptive child


Childhood Ivana can hardly be called happy. He did not remember his father, and his mother was in the constant search for a man, and her son

There was no time. One day, Mom took Vanya to the orphanage and said that he would come after him in a couple of days. But in a week, in a month and even a year later, Vanya from the orphanage nobody took. Then it turned out that the mother went to another country towards his happiness, but the new man immediately said that he would not raise someone else's child. Mother made a choice in

His personal life, and Vanya remained alone in the orphanage.

Son Andrei

Ivan has grown, he received education, began to earn good. I met a girl, married, because I always wanted a big family, which he had no. The wife gave birth to a daughter, and after childbirth, the doctors said that she could not have children anymore. After a long reflection, Ivan and his wife decided to take another child from the shelter. "And the daughter will be more fun, and the baby will grow in the family comfort," Ivan thought. So the Andrew appeared in their house. But Ivan could not love someone else's boy. Everything in it annoyed: how he ate, played, looked, said. A man hated himself for allocating his native daughter and does not give the necessary attention to Andrei. But I could not do anything with you.

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History Ivana

The man still remembers the moment when Mom gave his son to the teacher from the orphanage and walked along the path to the exit. She never turned around, did not put his hand. Vanya cried, tried to snatch his hand, wanted to run after her mother to persuade her not to give it in this place. These are the most terrible memories in Ivan's life. For several years in the orphanage, the boy suffered from insomnia, and when he fell asleep, he dreamed of nightmares. Educators and nannies treated well to the boy, sorry him, fed sweets, but Vanya watched the window every day in the hope that Mom would come after him.

For many years, Ivan was looking for the reason why his mother did so with him. Maybe he is not smart enough or beautiful for her? Maybe she shredded that she had such a son? Ivan decided to prove himself that much was capable of. And then he will find a mother and tell what he achieved in life. Ivan entered the university, he received an education, opened his business.

Future wife Ivan met when he was already firmly on his feet. He had his own home, good wealth, but the family could not create everything. Marina struck a man not only by external data, but also the sad story of his life. Marina also grew up without parents, but her grandparents were brought up. Parents died in a car accident, and the girl took a loving grandmother with grandfaths.

They taught granddaughter to conduct a household, arranged family holidays so that the child was fun. Marina gladly accepted the offer of Ivan, and soon they got married. The girl immediately rushed to create a family comfort, waiting for her husband with a hot dinner, lit the candles and played on the piano. Ivan felt truly happy. Finally, he had a long-awaited family, which he dreamed of so long.

Children of Ivan and Marina

When Marina reported her husband that they would have a child, Ivan would even be satisfied. After 9 months, Katya, a sweet, calm girl, who slept at night and did not give parents to her parents. Everything was just fine, but Marina really wanted the second child, and the doctors said that she would not be children. Evenings, the husband and wife sat by the fireplace, Katenka played next to his toys, and Marina sighed, wiped her tears, said Ivan, no matter how great, if they had many kids. "Why do we need such a big house, if we have only one child?" Marina asked, and Ivan agreed. He also wanted a noisy child laughter, but what to do if fate ordered this way? It is good that they have Katya.

Somehowed a wife spoke about the fact that you can consider the option of adoption. "We rose with you without parents, let's do at least one kid happy" - failed Marina, and Ivan succumb to her persuasion. When the Kate turned 5 years old, they took Andrei boy from the orphanage.

The boy was 6 years old. He was shy, kind, affectionate, but the doctors found a lot of congenital diseases from Andrei who demanded urgent treatment. Marina was every day busy by the adoptive son: they went to the medical centers, handed over tests, drank expensive medicines according to the schemes. Ivan seemed that everyone forgot about him. With the advent of the second child, his life has changed cool, and this man did not like it.

How events developed in the family

Katya was very attached to Andrei, Marina in it did not have a chayale in him, and only Ivan was increasingly distinguished from his family. He did not give any feelings to the receiving son, on the contrary, he was strongly annoyed by one of his presence. Marina talked a lot with other families in which foster children live. One day, a family came to visit to visit, with whom wife supported friendly relations. The family had 4 adoptive child, and Ivan was surprised to observe how parents communicate with their children. And you can not say that these are their native children. "Perhaps this happens, because they have no own, blood children," Ivan thought, and only after some time he understood how much mistaken in his arguments.

Ivan did not want to return in the evenings home, found any reasons to stay in an urban apartment. One day, Marina decided to frankly talk to her husband, and he did not hide, as he was uncomfortable next to the adoptive child. It was decided to live separately, and Ivan moved to the apartment, leaving the house of his wife with children. But after a couple of months he wanted to throw away from loneliness. Again began, as in childhood, problems with sleep, and if he forgotten for several hours at night, he dreamed of nightmares.

How Ivan loved the foster son

The man returned back to the family, but Andrei still could not love his son's native son. Somehow Marina laid the children to sleep, and the boy asked: "Dad loves me, what do you think?". "Of course, he loves in his own way," said Marina. "I think so too. Dad just does not know how to show your feelings like you or Katya. "

Once the whole family went to skate. Andrei did not work in any way to stay on the ice, and Ivan it was very angry. He tried to teach the boy, but still the legs drove around in different directions. Ivan went to the side, and Andrei remained standing on the ice. And then the man noticed that some teenager flies at a great speed on Andrei. Ivan at the last moment managed to grab her son and drag off to the side, otherwise the teenager could knock down a child or, which is even worse, to breathe a skate blade. Andrei pressed to Ivan, trying to keep the tears, and the man at that moment suddenly realized how dear to him was this boy.

Since then, Ivan has become more time to spend with a foster son. They went to football matches, played chess, painted, sawed and planed in the workshop. Father and his son turned out to be many common interests, and in the evenings Ivan read the children of exciting books. The man himself did not understand how he could not love such a wonderful boy. Ivan felt the happiest happily, because he had a family that he had dreamed so long. Sometimes he was angry that he missed a son so much time in the development of his son, but then calmed down. Everything is your time, it means that he needed to go through this way to realize how good to have a big friend-friendly family.

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